Saturday, April 2, 2022

Spring Cleaning Your Fridge

 Spring is here and that means one thing : cleaning. There are probably plans for the whole house, especially the kitchen. The fridge and freezer need also looking into. It's time to toss and make way for the holiday season ahead.

It's a good idea to look into the fridge and assess what's there. Most likely your fridge door is full of condiments from last year's grilling season. Surprisingly barbecue sauce only lasts for one month after opening. Toss any old gunky bottles. The stuff is probably too congealed to use anyway. Should you replace it with a brand new one? Only if you plan on barbecuing soon or like it over your burgers. ketchup lasts much longer , becoming dark and crusty after six months. This  you can replace because it is usable , especially as we approach grilling season. Mustard is the same. What about those packets of soy and duck sauces along with hot mustard that come with your Chinese take out. They're good as long as they're sealed. Use these to spice up your recipes. Add some hot mustard or soy sauce to a stir fry. The duck sauce is the  perfect sauce for chicken  nuggets or tenders.Leftovers should only be kept for three or four days. If not mold takes over and your fridge has some weird science experiment going on. Cut fruit like cantelope and melon are only good for forty-eight hours before they develop a sour taste. Cheeses on the other hand can lasts weeks. Cheddar is still good even after a month while Brie can last up to three weeks.

Once you've cleaned out the bottom portion, it's time to tackle the freezer. Not surprisingly ice cubes are one of the most durable foodstuffs. They can last up to two years without any noticeable change of taste. However this is not true for actual frozen foods and leftovers. Yes, green beans and Eggos can be stuck indefinitely in your freezer however after two or three years they will degrade in taste. This will make them un appetizing. What about those bumper crops from last summer? Frozen fresh fruits and veggies can really only last about eight months. It's best to have a plan for them before you freeze them as well as putting the date they were frozen on the freezer bags. That way you know what to toss and to keep. Many ask if they can keep their frozen meat leftovers. Yes, but only for s short while.Chicken needs to be trimmed of its' fat otherwise it can become rancid and spoil the meat.(rancidity won't make the chicken toxic but it will ruin its' flavor.) Cooked bacon and sausage will also last for eight weeks and again beware of rancidity.You can keep hamburger for that period of time  before it goes bad. Ice cream lasts only two or three months too, so chuck that ice cream you bought for Christmas or New Year's,

A good refrigerator cleaning is a must especially during this holiday month. Get rid of the old to prepare for the new.It'll make for more room to store all those great foods for celebrating.

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