Monday, March 14, 2022

The Return Of Jamie Oliver

 Twenty years or so ago there was a brilliant young chef sweeping America. he was boyish , British and cheeky yet down tp earth with his practical cooking approach. The chef was Jamie Oliver and he influenced many a home chef. Now he's back again, older, practical and innovative.

I recently discovered him again on Dabl TV which is a CBS owned station featuring lifestyle shows. There's everything form pets to DIY projects to travel to food. The station is worth watching just to pick up some ideas and tips. The cooking features mot only Oliver but his fellow Brit , Gordon Ramsey. However Jamie is sweeter, and kinder, the sweet kid next door you watched grow up into a caring and genial adult. His attitude towards food really hasn't change. One refreshing change though is his turn towards more vegetarian dishes. He also has done videos for The New York Times Food and one features a tasty black bean burger that looks delicious. It's a mix of different mushrooms , from portabellas to cremini, among others, mixed with black beans, chickpeas and rye bread(!).He zings up the finished burgers with mango slices , Greek yogurt and tomato salsa on warmed buns. For Dabl he makes a tasty vegan chili featuring three different kinds of peppers. A plus is that he adds already cooked rice to the chili, a holdover from his younger days when he used already made ingredients.

Like any celebrity Chef Oliver is not without controversy,He has been trying to get English and American school kids to eat healthy for years now. Has it worked? Many say no. Newspaper reports claim that kids just didn;t want his healthy meals. They wanted chips or fries.His suggestions were also too expensive. School districts couldn't afford the fresh pasta or chicken. Kids being kids knew the upside of eating salads, fruits and healthy carbs, but wouldn't have anything  to do about them. They want the tastier fast food treats of burgers and fries along with chips and fatty dips. They regularly munch on junk food , subbing in fried chicken or a handful of cookies for  the better for you alternatives. Many claim that Oliver should have done more research both in children's eating habits and school budgets (although he should know now having five kids , from college age to age six.) He was also involved in another scandal, promoting sustainable fish with Gordon Ramsay while both created dishes using endangered fish. Still, he endures and has a huge fan base.

Jamie Oliver is here to stay. He has some good recipes that everyone can enjoy. Catch him on Dabl TV or on You Tube and learn how to cook easy and delicious.

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