Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Lent The Season Of Sharing

 Today is Ash Wednesdy , the beginning of Lent. It's a time of sacrificing - giving up our favorite foods.Yet we should be giving up our time and what food we have during these terrible days. Giving also make us feel more empathetic to others struggling.

Food pantries will be packed as food prices go up. Donate what you can - even if it's two or three can. Those who work in groceries should convince their bosses to donate slightly expired food or day old breads and sweets. Some like Stop and Shop in the New York metro area already have partnered with not only food pantries but homeless shelters to ensure that any challenged individual will at least have one hot meal daily. You can also donate to the World Food Program USA which provides nourishment for the Ukrainian people fleeing to the Polish, Moldovan and Romanian borders. You can make a donation as low as fifteen dollars if you don't have that much to spare. You can also donate cans of food too.Many Ukranian Orthodox and Catholic churches are taking donations  of not just them but also bottled water  along with clothing , blankets and toiletries. Again give what you can.

You can also do this for your local circle too. Ask elderly neighbors over for a dinner or weekend lunch or supper. Take them to church and then treat them to the usual after services breakfast at the local diner or pancake house. Shop for them and sometimes throw in a treat just to show your appreciation for them. Do the same for friends who are struggling too. Invite them and their families over for a  lunch or bake an extra loaf of bread. This also applies to those in the military too. Now more than ever military families will need our support and gratitude. Our troops can and probably will be deployed to eastern Europe at any moment. Treat  them  now with a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant. Make it into a date night by offering to babysit their kids. Again a shared weekend meal where you can enjoy good food and company is always welcomed.Have a pizza night which is always enjoyed by all, or try a game or movie night. Set up a buffet with  tasty hot snacks like loaded potato skins and chicken wings.

It's Ash Wednesday. It's  time to give up but instead of giving up a favorite food try giving up your time or donations. It will be welcomed and appreciated. 

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