Friday, February 25, 2022

What This War Means

 Sadly we're in another war and one that affects everyone on the planets. Along with the destruction of all life, it has a serious impact on our food and crops world wide. Expect some major and drastic changes  to how we eat and shop.

The Ukraine has bee known as the bread basket of Europe but also of Africa and Asia too. Many countries , from Egypt to Sudan, Nigeria and Tanzania to name a few rely on their

 wheat along with barley and maize.Lebanon will be severely hit because a good portion of their grains come from the area. The area is rich in sunflowers and sunflower oil is one of the staples in Chinese and Indian cuisines. From an agricultural perspective this does benefit some African farmers. There will be a need for grains grown locally and that means an increase in production. yet there's also an international ripple effect that touches us here back in the States. It's surprisingly a plus in all this darkness, Like African farmers US and even Canadian ones will step in and help with the supply chain as per Farm Policy News from University of Illinois. Another problem is that Russia is the biggest importer of fertilizer world wide. economic sanctions against it could easily result in farming and production products. (although we could always find another country to fill in for that).

Prices are already high  to begin with thanks to the pandemic and supply chain problems. Cold cuts are almost ten dollars for a package. Cookies are up thanks to the price of sugar. Dairy is going up too. what will happen a few months into this war. Could a roast chicken cost twenty dollars? Or will tomatoes be eight or nine dollars a pound? With hopes and prayers this conflict won't hast long thanks to  some kind of intervention. If not we may have to look to our own backyards for help. It is easy to live off one's land. It's time to think about growing veggies and berries. We can easily grow everything from those tomatoes to melons to even corn in our yards and community gardens. We may have to go vegan, eliminating dairy and meat, The problem is that soy prices may go up  which eliminate some vegan products. Again ,luckily for everyone mung beans are now a big part of vegetarian products like Beyond Burgers and Just Egg. We may not need to rely on purely soy products as a meat sub in ;

This conflict is not only vile and unnecessary but disruptive. It will affect every aspect  of the food chain , from farming to baked goods. Hopefully it will end soon with some kind of peaceful resolution.

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