Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Food For Pet Parents And Pet Babies

 Every pet parent knows there is a long list of foods that you cannot feed your fur baby. Yet there are some human diets that actually are helpful to cats and dogs. These can make a world of difference in a fur baby's life.

Regular contributor and chef Priya Kirishna wrote about this in today's New York Times Food section.It seems all animals , even goldfish and hamsters are benefiting from healthy human diets. It benefits them and their quality of life if they're eating purer , more natural foods.Pet parents are devoting considerable thought and money to how they feed these creatures. For many pet parents it s the simple customization of their own diets to match their animals. Some pets get to munch on treats flavored like a turmeric latte or even made with CBD. Others are on Vitamin C supplements and probiotics. A few pet parents make up their own version of pet food similar to new parents creating their own organic baby foods.There are also companies that are jumping on this as well. Surprisingly though there are no  clear or simple rules for how to feed a pet. M ost get advice and diet print outs from their vets.Scientific research on certain diets is lagging way behind the research on human ones. It's sort of test it out and see kind of methodology.

What's behind this special diets? Mostly non processed foods which can have all sorts of horrors in them. Yet a vast majority of vets endorse begged and canned foods, stating those are the only foods cats and dogs can eat. Yet according to Kymythy R. Schultze,a human and pet nutritionist believes raw food is better for them. After all she reasoned they were eating natural and unprocessed foods for thousands of years and survived. Why not now. She self published The Ultimate Diet: Natural Nutrition For Dogs and Cats.It's a kind of Paleo and keto diet that focusses on eating as their ancestors ate. Wes Stiler, a writer in Bozeman , Montana  put his two dogs, Wiley, Bowie and Teddy on this plan. Their skin problems cleared up after a diet of ra w chicken drumsticks, chicken liver and salmon. Mr. Stiler  who also embraced a more natural diet feels that kibble is like fast food -poison - which he hasn't had in twenty-five years.Others such as Luke Hagopian who has 3.6 million Tiktok followers feed his goldfish bloodworms, boiled spinach and boiled cucumbers.However some of these raw foods can be dangerous , carrying salmonella and a host of parasites. Pet parents should listen to their vets and receive an honest assessment of works for their animal babies.

What should concerned pet parents do? Ask guidance from their vet  and then read up on the subject. Try a diet that benefits you both.

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