Monday, January 17, 2022

In The Spirit Of MLK

  Today is Martin Luther King Day and we do celebrate Dr. King as a great and once in generation civil rights leader. Civic duty is something we all should aspire to one day, especially now. These are tough times. We need to step up to help each other and our planet.

Again contributing to your local food pantry or food bank is an absolute must. Yes,there are shortages some might be feeling the pinch themselves yet  try to help. Many drive through food banks still need help in bundling the foods and handing them out. If you don't have the time for this then take it down to a smaller scale.Shop for  elderly neighbors and family members that are afraid to go themselves, fearing they'll get the Omnicron variant. If you can

 treat them to something from the store's bakery department, whether it be a fresh made baguette or square of cake. Add some veggies and fruit if you feel their diet is lacking (although check with them first. some diets may have certain fruits and veggies cut out). If you're going for a drive through coffee , buy an extra cup of it or tea for them. The same goes for military families and those who are feeling a financial pinch. Treat them to a gift certificate at their favorite restaurant. This also gives business to local eateries too.

Dr. King's widow, Coretta and his son Dexter were and are committed vegetarians. Mrs King came to it late in life and Dexter was influenced by the controversial activist. Dick Gregory. Hurting and eating other animals is often connected to rights for all. Other political trail blazers like Mahatma Gandhi and Susan B. Anthony also eschewed meat. You can also do this, along with rethinking your shopping and eating habits. It is hard to  just go vegan or vegetarian cold right away. Yet you can ease into it, thanks to the wide array of plant based proteins. Try Beyond Meat once or twice a week. Beans are a wonderful source of protein and there's a lot o recipes with them you can try. A warming bean soup or two alarm chili would be perfect right now to chase away the January chill. Field Roast has hot dogs and sausages that taste like the real thing and they make for the perfect lunch or dinner. The more you rely on plant based foods, the more you'll help the planet.

Dr. King left a rich legacy that can only inspire. Do what you can to make the world a better and cleaner place. Help not harm others, whether they're our species or another.

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