Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Weekend In

 Between the frigid temps, snow and virus, it pays to spend a weekend in. It's a great time to hang around the kitchen and do a number of different things. It could be  baking or cooking or something more grander  - a plan to remodel. There's all sorts of different activities where you don;t have to go outdoors.

Baking and cooking are the obvious choices on a cold snowy day. Since it's the weekend consider fun foods for a Saturday or Sunday night in. Pizza is always a good choice.It's can be in a number of forms You can make the traditional pie or one with variations like a stuffed crust or a four cheese one. Pizza bread is a nice change up for dinner or a snack watching the games. This is just making a kind of savory jelly roll with cheese, and any kind of topping rolled in a flat sheet of dough. You can make your own or use PIllsbury's crescent dough. The sauce is later when the roll is sliced and you can dip the slices into the warmed sauce or spoon it over them.A weekend in is a good time to try new dishes. Crack open those cookbooks you received for Christmas. Try an Ethiopian stew rich with lentils and Berber spice or a crunchy croque Monsiuer . Go to the dessert section and give an English syllabub a whirl or a chocolate lava cake a try. Candy recipes are also an enjoyable to make . Nothing beats a pan of homemade fudge or peanut brittle.

A weekend in is a good time to assess your kitchen . It's a perfect   few hours to think about remodeling. Buy or download  some of the kitchen remodeling magazines like Homes And Garden to get ideas. Look on line to see what you'd like. It could be a farmhouse sink or a granite counter tops. Assess your appliances too. Is your fridge too old? How is your stove working? Start pricing online and seeing what you think would look best. are you thinking of expanding? Then spend the time indoors looking at your kitchen's dimensions. Do you want to bump it out a few feet? Or would you like to add a sunroom or small conservatory to expand the dining area? Again look on  line. there are some great videos on You Tube that walk you through the entire process. Check out Jessica Miller Nashville one that  shows the entire process. It will convince you or not to expand the room. While you're at it, also take a look at remodeler's and their websites.  You can leave questions or chat live with their customer service reps. You'll get ideas or pricing and time frame along with suggestions.

A weekend in can be a productive time. You can try out a new and fun recipe. You can sketch plans for a new , pretty kitchen. It's time well spent.

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