Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Saving The Season

 How can you preserve the summer? By saving the flavors of that spectacular season whether in sauces or preserves. It's a great way of savoring those sun kissed veggies and fruits all yar long.

The easiest way to preserve the summer is by taking all those extra tomatoes and turning them into freezable sauces. One of the simplest ways to do this is cooking them in a crock pot.This fees you up to do other kitchen chores or just get ready the bags and containers. You can use resealable plastic freezer bags or even freezer proof glass jars.Plastic containers also work well here. These and the jars offer a little more protection against freezer burn.The bags won't however they do pack in better than the others.Basil is not a vegetable but this herb and its' summery taste can also be savored all year round in pesto This is an easy sauce that originated in Genoa. Use all those fresh basil leaves and grind  them in a food processor. Add a drizzle of olive oil to give it that creamy texture.The recipe calls for ground walnuts to be added along with Pecorino cheese bu these don't freeze well. The best bet is omits these when freezing and add to the sauce when you're ready to use it.

Your favorite summer fruits can also be preserved too. Raspberries are having a second season right now and they are perfect in jam. It's a simple recipe of four cups of granulated sugar and four cups of raspberries.Its' then first warm in the sugar and adding it to the fruit. The mix is mashed and ladled into sterilized jars. You can do the same with blackberries, another berry that lasts into the fall.Just remember that wild ones need to be soaked in salt water to remove any bugs. Dry them thoroughly before cooking.  Keep in mind that the wild ones have more pectin than the farm raised ones.Also blackberries are quick to foam when they're boiled. Add the tiniest sliver of butter(!) to prevent this. The taste will remain the same ,especially with the addition of one to two cups of granulated sugar. You can add a tablespoon of lemon juice to if you want. Grapes are also a late summr fruit and one of the tastiest to make into a jelly or jam.Decide what you want to make.Jelly is made solely from the juiced of cooked grapes, namely Concord drained through a fine mesh sieve or muslin cloth> Grape jams has bits of the grape and skin.it is sweet with seven cups of sugar added.

Yes, you can stretch the season out. Make sauces and jams with the sweet flavors of summer. It's a nice way of preserving those sun kissed days for all year long.

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