Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Famed Gateway Bread Recipe

Bread baking can be a chore thanks to all that kneading. However there's a no knead recipe out there that's changing home baker's perceptions. It's a great way to ease into the fine art of artesinal bread making. Once done, then it's onto the next step of low knead dough making.

Chef J. Kenji Lopez-Alt wrote about this famed recipe in today's New York Times Food section, The revolutionary recipe came from the Times own Mark Bittman along with Jim Lahey, owner  and chief baker of Manhattan's famed Sullivan Street Bakery and pizza spot Company. Chef Lopez-Alt first discovered this miracle recipe when he was a test cook at the well known Cook's Magazine in Brookline, Massachusetts. It was 2008 when his fellow test cook David Pazmino had just taking hos loaf of no knead bread out of the oven. It was perfect with its' glossy crust and open airy structure. It has the preferred custardy crumb. This was a recipe worth looking into and trying. It's a simple process any home baker can do. Mix flour water, salt and yeast in a bowl until they all come together. Cover the bowl and let sit on the kitchen counter overnight. The next day , shape the dough into a loose loaf, let proof and bake inside a preheated Dutch oven with the lid on. The modified recipe eliminates this and uses a large oven friendly bowl to lock in the steam over the loaf. This will produce a crust similar to the loaves baked in the Dutch oven.

Chef Lopez-Alt has included the recipe along with  two other easy bread recipes. You will need a rapid rise yeast and a good flour like the one from King Arthur. You do also have to add a mix of vinegar and lemon juice and water to the dough as well.Proof it and also dust the loaf with rice or bread flour. First preheat the oven to 500 degrees F and place the dough on a baking sheet.  Reduce the heat to 450 degrees Farenheit. Splash some water in the large metal bowl and place over the loaf. It's baked this way for twenty-five minutes. Using oven mitts or those Ove Gloves remove the bowl and then bake the bread for as long as you like it or until the crust turns the desired color. There are also recipes for low knead bread and low knead sandwich bread. These are the next step in bread baking. The recipe varies slightly with the amount of water. The low knead requires three hundred grams of water. Low kneading is not intense. It's simply folding the dough and then flipping it over.It's then allowing the dough to rest for twenty to forty minutes for two to three times during a two to three hour period. For the sandwich bread, brush the top of the loaf with a whisked egg and water mixture.  You could  also sprinkle coarse salt or spices on it for more flavor if you want. rye or whole wheat flour can also be subbed in for the white.

This is an easy bread recipe to make and one that produces a crusty , tasty loaf. Try it and the also easy low knead breads. They're all great to make and simple too.

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