Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Picnic Days Are Here Again

 The rough winter is over.  The temps are rising. The parks and seaside are open again. That means one thing - picnics. It's time to pack our favorite foods and head to wide open spaces.

Before you go , check to see what you have as far as essentials. Do you have a picnic basket? Or a cooler for storing drinks and salad?. Some fancier baskets come with china or melamine plates along with utensils.  You don't have to have this, Paper plates and bowls along with plastic cups work just as well. The same for plastic knives, forks and spoons. Have wet naps and napkins on the ready because eating can be messy along with being dirty or sandy. The next step is deciding if you want to have grilled food or just sandwiches. Having a cook out at a park or beach is a more complicated affair. You'll have to have coolers to transport the raw meat along with charcoal ,lighter fluid and some way to light the grill. There is another way to go if you want hot  food. Pick up a few rotisserie chickens at your local supermarket  or hot dogs that are usually in every park.  You could also stop at a fast food joint like Wendy's or Mc Donalds' Just be mindful of the waste afterwards Pick up wrappers, straws, and cups afterwards.

The second part is what foods to bring. If you decide to go the barbecue route, decide what works better. Many just like drumsticks while other families want nothing but wings. Then there's the marinade. Do you want to go extra spicy or Oriental with scallions ginger and soy sauce. Of course hamburgers and dogs are always welcome, They always taste good outside  with a bag of chips or some homemade cole slaw on the side. You can even go vegan with soy dogs and Beyond Burgers.A true picnic has sandwiches. The entire family can make their own. Plain white bread is always a good choice but you can also toast it first. Then the fillings. If you have any leftover Easter ham slice it and put it on mayo slathered slices. You can also get chicken and turkey along with different cheeses too. Heroes are always a good picnic bring along. Again make what the family likes., with provolone , mozzarella, capicolla and salami. You could bring a variety of fun snacks. from bags of popcorn and pretzels or traditional sides like macaroni and three bean salads, along with broccoli and string bean salads. Bring another container with water bottles and juice boxes.

It's picnic season. Plan a lunch  out for a fun time in the park or the beach. Enjoy the good weather with good food and drink.

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