Saturday, January 16, 2021

Read Those Labels

 One of the worst crimes you can commit in a vegan household is buying a product with animal products in it.That happened to me recently and I was left with a large uneaten pot of soup. I should have read the label but didn't .It does pay to read every aspect of the product you're buying

What should you look for if you are cooking for any kind of diet? Everything that's on that diet and everything that's not. Don't take it for granted that a meatless product is just that. Soups usually have a beef or chicken stock in their base. Check . A soup like Alessi's porcini mushroom soup may seem vegan enough but it has dehydrated chicken added to it. To be honest most of their soup mixes are vegan , with the emphasis more on beans and tomatoes. It can fool you especially if you regularly buy their products.If you're in this situation, the best bet is to stick with well known vegan brands like Morningstar Farms and Gardein. They are famed for their fake meats and instant dinners. Gardein keeps adding different products to their line. They now have soups made with soy meats and vegan stock. It's easy to open up a can of their  chicken noodle or gumbo. Another aspect is in the cookie aisle. Many like Tates' or Walkers use real butter in their cookies and shortbread.  The best bet again is scouring the labels. Some companies like Nabisco have had vegan cookies for years. There are no and never have been animal products in Oreos and Lorna Doones.

Allergies play another important part in label reading. US manufacturers have to explicitly put on their labels that their baked goods are gluten free. Yet there's a caveat. They're not required to test their products to label cookies or crackers without it. The labels are still pretty much spelled out. Yet what about those products from a grocery store's bakery? Some , like Stop & Shop will put a gluten free labels on their cakes, cookies and cupcakes. The best bet is don't buy if you're still doubtful. Buy the already established brands that you know are safe to eat.Other allergies like egg ones are a bit trickier. Many products , especially cookies and cakes are made with eggs. Labels have to be read carefully, especially if the sufferer has problems with stomach cramps, vomiting and /or breathing. Research the product on line before buying. See what the ingredients are and even write to the company. Most will gladly tell you the percentage of eggs along with the other ingredients used. The same goes for those with soy and fermentation allergies. Many are allergic to soy sauce and a pre made Asian meal may have some in it. The same goes for frozen dinners that feature a balsamic vinegar glaze. Find out how much is in the dinner.

It's important that you read the labels , whether on line or in the store. Don't assume. It could lead to food not being eaten or people becoming sick.

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