Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Happy Meals For Dark Days

 The weather is lousy, the news is depressing. What's worse we can't go out and enjoy a fun , tasty meal. The antidote? Create one at home. Plan a perfect dinner and enjoy.

That was my plan today. I made Gardein's Beyond Burgers, always a favorite with crispy crinkle fries made crispier in the air fryer. Both were a fun and easy make, only taking at best maybe fifteen minutes. I placed the burger on a slice of brioche bread from Walmart or an extra treat .I added broccoli salad, for the healthy part  along with it has such a great flavor.

  Again such a simple make. A quick microwave of six minutes and then dressed with an easy mix of olive oil and apple cider vinegar along with dashes of salt, pepper and garlic powder. 

                                           Dessert was fudge topped cupcakes from Acme.

Who could resist Fudge Week where the cupcakes are top heavy with fudge? One frosting even slid off.

Anyone can create the perfect fun dinner. It doesn't have to be burgers and fries.It could be baked mac and cheese, lobster tails and champagnes, if you're more incline. You decide what you want and make it. Add some festive decorations even. Cook and bake or buy whatever makes you happy.

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