Thursday, January 7, 2021

Cooking One Step At A Times

 Does anyone actually follow cookbook directions these days? Don't we kind of adjust the recipes to our tastes, adding this, omitting that. Yet doing such makes home chefs miss out on the dishes history or the reason it was included in the book. Cooks will also miss the intended flavor of the recipes along with their nuances and subtleties.

Genevieve Ko, cooking editor of the Los Angeles Times and the author of the healthy baking cookbook,  Better Baking wrote this interesting article in yesterday's New York Times Food section. She feels that home chefs can get to know the creators better, understand their backgrounds and figuratively  leave their kitchens and enter someone else's. She gives ideas about how to get the most out of executing a recipe. The first is look for recipes written to be followed precisely. To assess the deliberateness of a recipe creator, took to recipes and instructions guaranteed for success. Another must is choose recipes that will work as published. Ms. Ko suggests flipping to the cookbook's acknowledgements to see if testers are thanked. Most major media companies do professionally test and edit recipes before publication. One of the best pieces of advice is pick recipes that sound surprising in some way. Try something different that's out of your wheelhouse. Ms. Ko tried an East African dish  from In Bibi's Kitchen  written by Hawa Hassan and Julia Turshen. She followed contributor Jeanne Razanamaria's recipe to the letter and came out with a tangy dish with earthy flavors.

Ms. Ko offers more advice.  Home chefs must track down ingredients, even ones that are hard to find. The search is part learning about other cuisines and cultures. You can get any ingredient on Amazon or at other sites. Also check the internet to find where ethnic groceries in your area. They too can offer advice and steer you to the right ingredients.As with any set of instructions read the recipe carefully and stick to it. Before you start anything, read the top note or even the whole cookbook to contextualize the dish. Another important must do read the recipe carefully to anticipate the steps because methods may differ from what you expect. Also resist the temptation to alter it especially if it's close to a recipe you know. Sticking exactly to the instructions will reveal the surprise of a vibrant flavors. One of the most important things to do is taste with an open mind. We tend to think we know what dishes should taste like but if there's a variation or new ingredient it may be a bit off putting. Our palates will evolve with the recipes we try. Ms. Ko also includes a coconut chicken curry and , that Madagascar white bean stew and a dulce de leche chocoflan.

Look though your cookbooks and reread the recipes you want to try. Stick to the recipes. It'll open up your mind to new methods, techniques and ingredients. Adhere to the instructions and create memorable dishes.

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