Thursday, November 12, 2020

Three Years Without The Master Chef

 It is now three years without the Master Chef, my Mom in my life. I can't believe that even during this year time has gone by so quickly. I wonder what she would have made of this pandemic.

Actually I do know what she would have done. Stocked up and worried that what she had bought was not enough. I know she would have bought essentials like pasta, knowing it would keep for long periods of time. We may have had one too many dishes of spaghetti and penne over the weeks. She definitely would have made an excess of pesto for us and for family and friends. As far as frozen food, the freezer would have been well stocked and even organized. There would be variety too, with everything from frozen spinach to squash to peas. She may have even thrown in some pints of ice cream (real ice cream, what we eat now - the oat and almond milk types would have made her gag). As far as baking - maybe. We were never big cake and pie eaters. She may have tried baking a sourdough loaf - just to try it.  As far as eating out, which was her favorite past time in later years, that would have bothered her to no end. She loved going out to any kind of eatery - fast food, diner , restaurant.It wasn't just for eating but to try new dishes and talk with people. Staying in for six months would have done her in. We would have probably wound up in a lot of parking lots , eating from containers.

The pandemic would have definitely brought out my Mom's generosity. She was famed for it, inheriting it from her parents. She would have cooked whole meals plus desserts for friends who were sick or went through loss. Recipes would have been doubled or even tripled just so those close to us wouldn't have to go out and get their own meals or do their own food shopping. As far as shopping, no, we would do that. Surprisingly she never liked food shopping. The lines were too long. It was too tiring at times. She would have let her kids do all the work, worrying about us like crazy. She may have used services like Stop & Shop's Peapod or Amazon Prime's Delivery. She may have gone with Target's too, making sure we had more than enough staples plus toilet paper. (that would have gotten her going on some funny riffs). I'm sure she would have over ordered from these places as well, giving the extra to family and friends so they wouldn't have to go to the stores. 

My Mom would have been a pro at this pandemic, It would have worried her  - never scared her. Our kitchen pantry would have been filled. Our fridge stocked, and us well fed. She was a master chef but also a master planner too.

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