Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Stress Eating Done Right

 Tonight is a night for stress eating. Anything and everything is being popped into our mouths as we await the election results here in the States. To be honest the whole year has been one series of stress snacking and drinking. The problem is we're stress eating all wrong.

What most people do in stressful situations , pre-pandemic was head out for something that appealed to our savory or sweet side. Eating unhealthy favorite foods was preferred over grabbing a  slice or a floret of fruit or veggie. Many will say that they left work after a stressful meeting to grab chicken at Popeye's or a chocolate sundae at Dairy Queen.It was a chance to get away while enjoying a treat. It was a bad habit but it didn't happen that often, Now with almost everyone working from home , snacks and junk food abound. we can sneak leftover Halloween candy during a Zoom meeting , balance grades and our kids' schooling while enjoying chips and a soda. We can even escape into the back yard with a bottle of wine just to get a buzz on. It's all fine and well, yet it's not the best direction for us or our bodies. All that sugar and transfat will eventually lead to the "pandemic pounds" - weight gained while in captivity. Can we break it? Yes, if we wean ourselves off the unhealthy stuff and reach for healthy and actually delicious snacks. The key is to having a "clean kitchen" free of any junk food temptations. If there's ever a time to clean your kitchen it's now before the holidays come.

Clean kitchen mean clean food too. You can still stress eat but do it with fruit and veggies.A fun and healthy snack is a bowl of apple slices dipped in cinnamon. Apples are good for losing weight as well as keeping diabetes at bay. They also promote good bacteria in the gut as well as preventing certain cancers.Cinnamon (and nix the sugar here) is loaded with antioxidants along with preventing cancer and heart disease. It's aroma and taste trigger many happy memories for some, so it's the ideal comfort food. Pears are another good snack for stress eating. There are so many different types and the flavors vary depending on the type. Of course veggies are the perfect nosh for stress eating. Try baby carrots to gnaw on tonight. You get that crunch factor , perfecting for relieving that tenseness in the jaw along with getting a good dose of the all important beta-carotene. Broccoli and cauliflower florets are also good for easing anxiety, especially when served with a tasty dip., Again make the dip healthy by adding herbs and spices to Greek yogurt. Nuts like almonds and pecans are good for snacking as those classics - pretzels. Nibble on a few pretzel sticks as you watch the election returns. Serve these with hot chamomile tea which can relax you for a restful sleep.

This is the night for stress eating - and drinking. Try to make it a healthy nibble. The better you eat, the less stress you put on your body.

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