Monday, October 26, 2020

Stretching Your Stock

Times are still hard. There are more closings and layoffs thanks to spikes in the Corona virus. Pantry staples and fresh produce go all too quickly. How can we make our food last? By stretching it into several different meals and a variety of different ways for one product. It's an easy and economic way of saving what we have.

By now everyone has beans in their pantry. They're one of the cheapest to buy yet are possibly the most versatile.Try them as burgers as a nice breakaway from beef. Bean burgers are easy to make. You can make them without egg and dairy too for a really inexpensive meal. It's taking black beans, walnuts and rolled oats, the last too, equally as economical and mixing them with soy sauce, scallions and a variety of different spices. There's also maple syrup added along with paprika to give the savoriness balance. You can add garlic if you want along with red wine vinegar. Can beans be made into a loaf?Yes! Again black beans come to the rescue along with their versatile cousins, chickpeas!. Pulse and mix the two with cornmeal and liquid smoke. Save the chickpea liquid or aquafaba for binding.It's then adding sauteed onions along with different spices, and then molding a loaf. It's put into a parchment lined load pan and baked. Of course chili is  a must make. It can easily be made in a crockpot and eaten just with crackers or polenta. Use the leftovers for chili dogs or even poured over nachos for a treat.Go the English route and have beans on toast, a really cheap way to enjoy them.

Always remember that veggies as just as versatile as beans. Take advantage of when your grocery stores have a two for one or buy one, get the other half price. This is starting to happen with broccoli and cauliflower right now. Both veggies are good as soups and best of all you can double the batch for freezing. Broccoli proves to be a great ingredient for quiches and omelets too, adding color and nutrition. It's great by itself as a salad, giving your family one last taste of summer. Cauliflower makes for surprisingly good steaks. The recipe is easy.It's removing the leaves and cutting the head into large slices then drizzle with olive oil. This gives the steaks a lovely golden hue as well as making them crispy.Sprinkled on sea salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder for more flavor. The good for you veggie is also good riced or creamed. Potatoes have sustained generations for decades. It's also one of the least expensive veggie than can be made into all sorts of dishes. A fun twist are loaded baked potatoes. Fill them with leftover chili or leftover chicken and broccoli. Have healthy ones filled with beans and tofu and a light salsa. Try them twice baked, loaded with cheese and bacon or in a creamy soup. Freshly mashed potatoes are always a plus because the leftover can be fried into tasty puffs.

There will probably tough days ahead. Learn to stretch your pantry during these times. You'll still be able to have nutritious dishes along with the variety you and your family want.

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