Friday, August 28, 2020

Parcels Of Love

There are still many who are alone during this pandemic. They remain inside or yard bound . sometimes they're alone , eating and drinking by themselves.It's time to reach out  with parcels. These will bring a smile to anyone's face.

Food parcels are easy and fun to create. What's great about them right now is using the bounty of the season, Those voluntarily shut in would appreciate fresh tomatoes for sandwiches along with squash and eggplant, perfect for frying or ratatouille. Also an extra treat would be bags of fresh picked basil and dill along with other herbs. You could also create a barbecue themed parcel, with hamburgers or hot dogs along with rolls and ready made salads. If you can, stay and join them for the cook out. A shared meal, especially a barbecue is always welcome and can be turned into an entertaining night, even if it is just for two.Include graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate for s'more later on. Sandwiches are also a great bring over. Buy or make heroes and bring along chips or cherry tomatoes. Join the person (or people) for some talk and company. This will go a long way and buoy their spirits. Another idea is  ordering from the person's favorite restaurant. You could just order appetizers or a full meal along with a dessert for each.

A question that may be asked is should you bring alcohol? The pandemic has made many feel hopeless and anxious, stressed about all aspects of their futures. A bottle or can helps to relax and unfortunately a few have been emptying a bottle or two a night. I would say go with soda or sparkling water to accompany a meal. There's nothing wrong with bringing some iced coffees or teas that you can sip. As the weather gets cooler, then bring pumpkin spice lattes or hot cocoa. These are better. No one gets drunk or even sick. You may want to address the wine or beer indulgence if you're worried about the person. Just go easy and be subtle.Another way is introducing mocktails. These can be made at home and brought over in a container or thermos or made fresh at the person's house. Have Virgin Marys' with a breakfast sandwich or a Virgin Pina Colada with ribs or tacos. Bring the ingredients which are juices, different herbs and seltzer.If you're celebrating a birthday or just want a fun fizzy drink then think a non alcoholic champagne. Pair it with  something lush to eat like a shrimp cocktail or a small tin of caviar.

There are many shut ins these days. They are eating, and at times drinking alone. Bring them something tasty and fun to alleviate the loneliness, Stay for their company and food.

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