Saturday, August 15, 2020

Fruit On The Grill

It is harvest time for many summer fruits. They are good on their own, but grilling them adds another layer of complexity and flavor. They may be versatile when raw but grill them and they can be added to any dish , sweet or savory. It makes for a nice change in flavors.

Peaches are in season now.They're all over grocery stores and fruit stands, just waiting to be turned into something delicious. Yes, they're good in crumbles and cobblers but roasting them takes the fruit to a  whole new level.It's a simple cook with the peaches being cut in half and pitted, then brushed with olive oil. Doing the last will prevent them from sticking onto the grill grate. Use semi ripe or firm to the touch peaches for this . Too ripe ones have a lot of sugar in them which will burn quickly and are too tender to take the heat.  Grill for four to five minutes on both sides. Serve with with scoops of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of brandy for a lush out there summery dessert. You can also have them with grilled pork tenderloin or better yet chicken. The last works well with the peaches in a salad , whether for lunch or dinner. Nectarines are also big right now and these too can be grilled. They're prepared the same way as the peaches are but use melted butter instead of olive oil.  Grill for only three to five minutes on each side. They can be dusted with brown sugar and served with vanilla ice cream or served with feta cheese for a tasty sweet-savory side dish. Serve with chicken or lamb kabobs for a different outdoor grilling experience.

Smaller fruits can also be put over the coals. Many home chefs would never think of grilling plums but they are delicious this way. Again they're halved , pitted and brushed with oil. You could use olive oil or a lighter one like vegetable for this. Keep the skins on and grill them flesh side down for only five minutes. You could roll them in granulated sugar before grilling for a sweeter treat or cardamon for a spicier version. For a savory side, brush the plum halves with olive oil and then sprinkled with minced rosemary or chili pepper. Both  versions would be perfect alongside a grilled steak. Freshly grated ginger can be added to the olive oil before brushing it onto the fruit. Serve ginger plums with grilled pork ribs for a tangy Asian inspired dinner. Another fruit that's worth grilling is the cherry. You will need a grill pan or grill mat  for them however you could use foil in a pinch. First pit and halve about a pound of  cherries , then spray the grill pan, grill mat or foil with non stick cooking spray. Flip constantly so all sides are cooked. Do this for  three to four minutes or until they become lightly charred. Grilled cherries can be served with chocolate or vanilla ice cream for a crepe Suzette type of dessert.  Season them with salt and pepper  as a savory side with steak or pork They're also good in a salad. Add them and grilled chicken to a mixed green one along with crumbled feta for a truly delicious summer salad.

Grilled fruit is not only a great way to use the summer harvest but a delicious way too. Add any of them to a sweet or savory dish for a unique flavor. Enjoy the bounty of summer , grilled to  sweet  or savory perfection.

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