Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Power Of Summer Produce

Summer came and the rules became lax regarding the lockdown.After months of fortifying ourselves on good home cooked food, we went wild when restrictions were lifted. We're going back to our old habits of eating junk and overly processed food. Yet that's not good. We still have Covid-19. We still need to eat healthy to be healthy and reduce our risks.

One of the best ways to eat healthy is to take advantage of summer's bounty. This is tomato season and these gems can provide us with Vitamins C and K and a good dose of needed potassium. They're also versatile.Roasted tomatoes are delicious on flatbread  drizzled with another good for you ingredient  olive oil. They can be a great extra in all kinds of sandwiches and great on their own in a tomato sandwich.Make salsa cruda with them,a pasta sauce that is cooked  when it's mixed with freshly boiled pasta.  Another great summer dish featuring fresh produce is the French Provencale ratatouille. This is a delicious mix of tomatoes, eggplant , peppers and onion sauteed in olive oil and garlic. Different herbs such as basil and thyme are added for extra flavor. Cucumbers are another summertime fave that are also a must eat. They can keep you hydrated due to their high water content as well as lowering blood sugar and weight. Think about slicing them and serving them with a mix of Greek yogurt, chopped dill and olive oil as a side salad. You can also turn them into all sorts of variations on dill pickles.

Keep in mind to eat the fruits of the season too. Blueberries are big right now. Have a bowl of them for breakfast or dessert for a sweet treat. They are also the source of the most powerful antioxidants in the plant world. Again, they high in vitamins C and K as well as manganese, the last good for improving bone health and lowering blood sugar. Don't miss out on strawberries either. They too are loaded in nutrients, especially folates. They aid in heart health as well. If you're craving a chocolate treat then think about chilled strawberries dipped in dark chocolate for a decadent snack or dessert. They're also good sliced and blended into a smoothie with  bananas. Don't forget any berry is good added to a salad. Blackberries are also in abundance right now. These ebony gems are rife in Vitamin A and good for brain functioning. A lovely dessert is a cup of them drizzled with raw honey. They're also tasty in Greek yogurt that's been sweetened with maple syrup or  honey. Peaches are a summertime favorite too. They're great for preventing certain kinds of cancer as well as aiding the skin and digestion. Just slice one up for a healthy snack.

Take advantage of the bounty of the season. Eat right and healthfully for better immunity.  It's easy to do with  so many tasty fruits and veggies out there now.

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