Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Old Trapper Jerky A Tasty Summer Treat

One of the best camping and hiking treats is beef jerky. It's easy to carry  around and easy to eat. It's even a great snack if you're roughing it or glamping out in the back yard.

Old Trapper originated out of the hearty backwoods around Tillamook,Oregon, a beautiful town on the Pacific Ocean. Tillamook  may sound familiar to cheese lovers since it's also the home of Tillamook Cheese and Tillamook cheddar. The jerky and their other products are now made further inland in Forest Grove, Oregon. The company offers a variety of different types of jerky and beef sticks.
Beef jerky is usually made with molasses which is not good if you're watching your sugar and calorie intake.I wanted a low calorie alternative and their Zero Sugar Beef Jerky did the trick.it's only seventy (!) calories per serving, the perfect quick bite.
It doesn't disappoint. There's a peppery taste and aftertaste that makes it a nice alternative to the other types out there. Those on the Keto diet can incorporate it into their diets.Another plus is that the pieces are all uniform in size which makes for easy eating. No big hunks or little tiny pieces that get stuck in your teeth.

If you want a good snack that won't put on the pounds then try Old Trapper's new Zero Sugar Beef Jerky. It's a tasty alternative , perfect for local hiking and backyard camping. Try it today.

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