Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cleansing Foods

Once you do a cleanse it's important to maintain that "cleanliness" in your body. That means strict dietary changes however they're for the best. What should you eat? What should you avoid?

Tomorrow I do my gallbladder cleanse. It may take more than one to thoroughly flush out my liver and gallbladder (most gallstones actually begin in the liver and should be called liver stones). It would be so easy to go back to old habits and favorite  but bad for me foods. Maybe occasionally I can have butter and white breads like when I order from Panera. Possibly I could have cold cuts now and then along with sandwich cookies. Yet I cannot make a diet of them as I've done in the past. Luckily I have gone off French fries  which are just super bad for any digestive organ. It's now cutting out the Popeye's any of the fried chicken along with tuna in olive oil. To soothe my gall bladder along with the rest of my digestive tract, I have to give up sugary foods and drinks. Again luckily I have a Soda Stream where I can make organic sodas with water and freshly squeezed fruit juices (I'm looking at a homemade cherry one). Snack candies like Tootsie Rolls and Milk Duds will be replaced with cherries and blueberries. Even avocados are off the table too, They contain too much fat.

There will be a new diet once my gallbladder and liver are thoroughly cleaned.  White flour products are definitely banned. Home bakers should take heed with this and consider rye or barley flour to bake your breads. The great flour and baking supply company ,King Arthur has these and they can even be used for cakes and cupcakes. This also applies to rice, where I'll be cooking more with brown rice and whole grains like quinoa along with veggie and bean based pastas. As for meats, cold cuts will be eliminated and a sandwich with freshly cooked meat will be subbed in. Subway can make up heroes with fresh chicken mixed with sliced veggies.I live in a semi vegetarian household so there is no dairy. I can have oat milk ice cream but with fresh cut fruit like strawberries or peaches. Tofu is also good for gall problems so I can still have Gardein products from their hamburgers to meatballs. Dining out will be tricky but it can be maneuvered. There's always grilled chicken salad with a simple vinaigrette or a variety of veggie sides sauteed in olive oil and garlic.

Any cleanse is exciting but also a chance to start anew. It's then just cutting out the bad foods while embracing the good. It's the best way to live for you and your digestive tract.

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