Friday, June 12, 2020

Cleanses For A Cleaner You

Maybe it's time for a cleanse or a detox. It;s been a rough comfort of months  thanks to eating all those comfort foods along with junk, alcohol and soda. Yet what works? What's the best and the right one for you? There are so many different ones, whether they're cleanses and detoxes.

First is there a difference? More or less, yes. Often a cleanse involves supplements or pills to eliminate substances along with focuses solely on the digestive tract. Detox strive to support your body's natural elimination process. Cleanses can aid in losing weight, since they flush out water carbohydrate stores and stool. Some doctors and nutritionists pooh-pooh them. However you will read glowing reviews all over the Internet from people who have tried them. If you're still a bit leery about them, then go gentle. Start with a detox water  cleanse instead. Water already flushes out toxins and free radicals. Drinking it also reduces the fat around a fatty liver and can help in losing weight.Add lemon and cucumber for both flavor and getting rid of the bad stuff. Want to get rid of that bacteria floating around you? Then mix water with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Sweeten with a tiny bit of maple syrup. If you're braver you can work your way up to a juice cleanse. This is where different juices, from both veggies and fruits are blended together for a power drink. Spices such as ginger and turmeric are added , not only for flavor but for their antioxidant properties and immune boosting systems.

I am going to go through a gallbladder cleanse myself. After a few months of gobbling down cookies  and soda along with sneaking fries every now and then, my gallbladder is suffering. I do not want to get it yanked out in the middle of a pandemic. I also don't want to wind up with colon cancer sometime down the road, because that is one of the detrimental side effects of gallbladder removal. It is a six day prep and a heavy duty two day flush. For those who are considering it, read  the how to's. The best I've discovered come from The Cultured Palate site. This is a site devoted to natural cooking and baking and has a lot of keto recipes. I'll explore those later in the summer. The flush from there comes from Dina Marie Oswald who was a registered nurse. It starts with drinking apple juice or eating apples for six days . Doing this softens the gallstones  with the apple's malic acid.  On the seventh day it's then guzzling down three cups of Epsom salts to open the bile duct and to promote stool production. It;s then chugging a mix of olive oil and lemon or grapefruit juice.Rest overnight and then there's another cup of Epsom salts in the morning. Gallstones are promised to come out and with them no pain. Am I anxious? Yes, but I have nothing to lose but those pesky stones.

If you feel like you're bloated or not well, then go for a detox or a cleanse. You'll probably feel better. Just pick the one that's right for you. You'll feel comfortable do it then.

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