Thursday, June 18, 2020

After The Cleanse

There is a lot of hype regarding cleanses. People swear by them. They live by them. Yet most times they're just quackery. If you want that healthy body, then eat healthy. I know I have to do this.

For me the gallbladder cleanse was the biggest hoax on the Internet. I followed My Cultured Palate's remedy for eliminating gallstones to the letter. It simply did not work even after I drank the vile liquid that is Epsom salts  twice. This was at six and eight PM and I thought this is going well. At ten I had to drink the mix of half a cup of extra virgin olive oil and half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice.I drank that with no worries. After all I use the vinaigrette in my salads all the time and had to resist the urge to salt and pepper it. At about eleven PM all hell broke loose.  A mechanical sounding swoosh indicated a quick run to the bathroom. This went on for five hours, until four in the morning. I was sure there would be tons of gallstones. Nothing. Each time. There was one  - only the size of a pinhead about eight hours later . That was it. Some black things came out of me and I'm figuring it was poo that was lodged in there for a while. As for a regular flush , it was good. Yet I still have gallstones. I still have a dull ache and burping after I eat.

I have now resorted to this gallbladder cleanse tonic from Complete Natural Products. since I don't want my gallbladder removed.It should come in a few days and I'm relying on it to eliminate them. The tonic is made from such ingredients that promote gallbladder health. There is organic artichokes along with Chanca Piedra - stone breaker from the Amazon. There's also milk thistle , lemon and apple cider along with turmeric, all ingredients I've used in the past. Honey, lime and peppermint are some of the other important components in in along with Valerian and red cabbage. There also have to be some dietary changes on my part.  Processed foods are way off the table. That means no frozen pizzas which are full of chemicals and preservatives and processed baked goods. Good bye Tuxedos, those tasty Oreo lookalikes from Acme. Those became my best friend during the lock down. Also off the table are the Tate chocolate chip cookies. Luckily I can recreate these using all natural ingredients and the most important whole wheat flour.  Cold cuts are gone or will be a rare occasion treat. Bacon, shrimp and even avocados are now taboo. The last is rich in fat and not good. I don't know what I'll do as a replacement for guacamole. Maybe salsa.

Eating healthy is the best way to cleanse the body. These flushes simply and truly do not work. I don't recommend ever doing them. Ever.

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