Monday, May 25, 2020

A True Memorial Day

This is a different kind of Memorial Day . We can't have friends and family over for the usual burgers and dogs.We can't head to the beach or park of if we can  - not that quickly or that casually.

What we can do is remember those brave essential workers. We can still treat doctors and nurses to pizzas and coffees. We can still offer free gift certificates to those delivery people and grocery workers,as we help restaurants get back on their feet. We can also help out service families and veterans, whether by buying them food or delivering them groceries and hot meals.

This Memorial Day , it is all about remembrance. We need to remember those that have bravely died of the Corona virus and those who have died in our previous wars. We need to remember those essential workers too.

Run free , little Bitty into fields filled with catnip,, chicken, ham and roast beef

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