Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Beans A Good Pantry Staple Part One.

One of the best foods to have in your pantry right now is a can or bag of beans. These versatile legumes can get us through this quarantine, thanks to their tastiness and versatility. There's so many ways to cook them and they're easy ways too.

Melissa Clark gives us the definitive bean guide in today's New York Times Food section. Everyone should be stocked up on them. They are the ultimate pantry food, standing in for meat - if we come to the dire crisis of meat shortages. Beans are also the perfect food. They're gluten free, along with being the best protein source for vegans and vegetarians. Another plus is that if you're soaking dried beans you can save the broth.It's a rich vegetarian broth that can be used for any kind of soup. Another plus is that it can freeze up to six months. Canned beans are an easy cook. Just open up a can and use in whatever recipe. As for dried beans, they're a little more labor intensive.First of all, Ms Clark, advises check the harvest dates. Dried beans can last up to two years however they're best cooked a year after harvest. Also always rinse to remove stones (!) twigs and leaves.Always leave time for soaking. If you're pressed for it, then switch to lentils which don't require soaking. As for soaking, again you soak them overnight,or quickly The difference is that overnight soaking doesn't boiling like quick soaking. You could also not soak them, just cook them longer.

Ms. Clark also gives suggestions for seasoning. There's good old salt and pepper.Add the salt in the beginning of the cook for a better flavor. Fresh ground pepper is also a good addition but you can also use such spices as cumin, coriander and even cinnamon. Chilies and chili powder work well in flavoring them as does allspice. You can also toast the spices first before adding the beans and water. Another flavoring agent? Herbs and aromatics. Try rosemary, thyme, oregano and sage leaves. Don't be afraid to toss a bouquet garni into the bean water. What's known as soft herbs such as cilantro, basil, parsley, and chives can be chopped up and sprinkled on cooked beans for garnishing and color. Keep in mind that aromatics such as garlic and onions along with celery, carrots and ginger can add really rich flavor to any bean dish.Remember to add them in the beginning of cooking. Of course what would make any bean dish tasty is cooking them in either chicken or vegetable broth instead of water. Don't put in too much salt because the broths already have them. Of course meat such as bacon and ham add wonderful smoky taste to beans , especially to pinto, cranberry and white ones. Again, add the ham or bacon pieces at the beginning of the cooking. When they're done , cut the meat into pieces for serving.

Beans are the perfect pantry food. They're great to store and versatile for any kind of dish. Stock up on them for the long haul ahead and get creative with how to cook them.

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