Friday, February 28, 2020

Chinese Restaurants - A Go Or No Go

The coronoavirus has affected everything , from how we live to how we conduct business. Even eating out can be seen as risky. Now the focus on Chinese restaurants since the virus originated in Wuhan, China and everything Chinese is suspect. What should we do?

The dilemma is a double edged sword. If you boycott Chinese or any Asian restaurant, you're seen as racist and xenophobic. Staying away is understandable  since COVID-19 , the official name for the virus - is highly contagious. Families with young children along with the elderly and  autoimmune compromised are especially nervous and again, it's understandable. I hate to say avoid until the virus is eradicated but that may have to be the case. What about Asian markets? Again the answer may be stay away until everything is OK again. Keep in mind that also applies to grocery markets and other ethnic restaurants.Mall food courts are out too, since they're hangouts for all sorts of germs. Maybe the best bet is signing up for Peapod or any food delivery service.  Pick out what you need , by brand and quantity and have it delivered to you. Many swear by these and are satisfied with the quality of produce and meats they receive.

This brings up the question of take out. Can we order Chinese take out by phone or computer? Again, this sounds racist and xenophobic but if you can trust your restaurant, then the answer is yes. They know you and probably realize your fears. Maybe they'll wear plastic gloves when cooking. Face masks may help but they also hold in humidity which breeds germs. Yet all take out should be suspect as well. Can we trust our pizza delivery people or our Panera drivers just as much as we trust our Chinese take out deliverers? They too are human and just as susceptible to the coronavirus as any of us. One accidental sneeze or cough could contaminate our order of pizza sticks or tomato soup. Maybe the healthier choice is the unhealthy choice of frozen and processed foods. We can still get a variety of different ethnic choices.They may not be fresh made but they're just as easy to prepare as ordering  take out. If you do have the time, then you can create some of your take out favorites.

There is no easy answer to eating out right now. Be brave if you want to. Support local businesses. Just b e aware of what's going on in your neighborhoods and towns. Be aware. Be cautious.

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