Saturday, August 3, 2019

Home Alone Your Kitchen On Vacation

This is the time of year when millions of home chefs frantically clean out their pantries and fridges.Why? It's vacation time when kitchens are devoid of all action for anywhere from one to two weeks to even a month. Yet is all this purging necessary?

Many home chefs feel they have to clean out the entire fridge. That's where some odd dinner combinations come in, from pepper hummus omelets to a fruit salad consisting mostly of berries. Yet do you have to have a complete clean out before you leave on vacation? How long will various foods last?Eggs can last three to five weeks after you buy them. Leave them be just purchased them  if you purchased them a day or two ago. Butter is the same. It won't turn  until it reaches the fourth month mark. Fresh milk isn't so flexible. It can only last three to eight days and then toss.You can bring it with you on vacation, with the kids drinking it instead of juice and soda.The same theory applies to almond milk when it's opened.Its' shelf life is a mere seven to ten days. Again it can be drunk plain or add chocolate syrup for a refreshing sip on a road trip. Luckily soy milk can last much longer . You can open it now, go on a trip for a week and then return home to still good milk.

What about meats? Fresh deli meats can only last five to six days. It's good to clear the fridge of them. Shred ham for omelets or even create a chef's salad with those extra slices of turkey and roast beef before you go or make these dishes for the road. Packaged meats such as Boar's Head and Oscar Meyer can stay one to two weeks in the fridge. Italian cold cuts such as hard salami has a shelf life of two to three months. The same goes for pepperoni. Many home chefs worry about keeping fruits and veggies in a fridge for too long. Salad greens are the most delicate. They can only last three to five days before getting moldy. Green veggies last that long too. You may want to think about making a pepper or spinach omelet or salad  the night before leaving. Tomatoes will last longer  - about a week more however be warned. They can have a bitter taste as they age, especially the grape variety. A better solution would be bringing them on the road with you. Fruits have the same short shelf life. Try to get rid of them before you leave . Another solution is freezing the fruit and then thawing it out when you return.

Should you clean out your whole fridge or pantry when you go on vacation? No. Be prudent though. Keep the products that will last while eating the ones that won't. Doing so will make for a more efficient kitchen when you return.

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