Monday, July 1, 2019

Marshmallows Those Sweet Summer Treats

Marshmallows are the ubiquitous summer ingredients. They 're in salads, desserts and treats, in pies and on sticks . How did these little puffs become a summer staple? Is it because they're fun  or  because they add a certain sweetness to a variety of different dishes.

Marshmallows have been with us since ancient times.They are derived from the mallow plant that grows in marshy areas - hence the name. The Egyptians used the sweet fleshy roots in both rituals and medicines. The French had the idea to whip the sap into a fluffy candy mold.The molds were filled with starch to give them shape. Then the Americans took over with a way to mass produce them. it involved an extrusion machine which gives uniform , perfectly cut puffs. As soon as marshmallows hit our shores , they were in such desserts as banana fluff, a dish you can easily make today. End a barbecue with this mix of mini marshmallows, banana pudding and Cool Whip.Marshmallows in salads may have come from cookbooks and magazines, maybe in the 1930's. It was a different salad, that could be served as a side or dessert. It was also an easy make during hot summer months spent in  stuffy  kitchens.  You could definitely make as a retro dessert with hamburgers and hot dogs.Mix Cool Whip with sour cream (???), maraschino cherries and mandarin cherries. Mini marshmallows and almonds along with vanilla extract give it flavor. Coconut flakes are added  as well.

This may be a side but what about a summery marshmallow dessert? The most obvious is s'mores. It's  a classic layering of graham crackers, toasted marshmallows and a square of Hershey's milk chocolate. Zing it up by using chocolate graham crackers and a dark rich chocolate such as Lindt's 80 % dark chocolate. It's a more adult spin on the classic kid treat. Of course just plain toasted marshmallows are a nice end to a cook out.You could make them naughty by turning them into shot glasses for different liqueurs like Bailey's Irish Cream or Kahlua.Popcorn and marshmallow are a perfect marriage, and a fun dessert at an outdoor movie party.It's melting eight or nine big marshmallows with half a cup of brown sugar and a quarter cup of butter.Cook for twenty or thirty seconds, stir to make sure everything's melted and then pour over the popcorn (which can be bought or home made. Toss in some peanuts for a Crackerjack kind of crunch.Toasted marshmallow could also top an after dinner iced coffee. Float two or three toasted marshmallows on top of the coffee.

Marshmallows are a must have summer cooking ingredient. Try them in a sweet tangy side salad or as a fluffy topper to an icy cup of java. Either way, they're a fun bite.

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