Tuesday, July 23, 2019

An Oasis Of Cool

Hot weather and heat waves are good for bringing families and neighborhoods together. Like blizzards the extreme weather proves to be too much, especially for the elderly. It's time to reach out and help in big and small ways.

The recent heat wave had everyone reaching for bottles of ice cold water. During our next heat wave - and we will probably have more  - reach  out to neighbors and even those with young children. Make sure that they have water and offer to take them shopping or share a 24 or 12 pack with them. Check in on older relatives and friends to make sure they're cool and hydrated. If they have just fans and limited air conditioning, then invite them over to chill and relax. You can easily make  homemade lemon or limeade or iced tea.  Flavored water is also a nice treat. If the air conditioning is a bit much then sit out in the shade or in the garage. This is a good time to buy a fridge for the car port. Store water in there for when you and the family need it. Also , if you're feeding feral cat colonies or just a few strays, have bowls of iced water for them too. Animals can have heat stroke as well. Also put their food in cool, shady areas.

Hot summer nights can be unbearable too. Again invite elderly neighbors over for a cooling drink and maybe a bite to eat. It is easy to make any fruit ade. It starts with a simple syrup - one cup of sugar boiled in one cup of water. From there mix three cups of fresh  lemon juice with four cups of water. Serve with a lot of ice.Change it up with lime ade. Another cooling idea is buying ice cream or Popsicles for everyone. Everyone - no matter what his or her age  - will enjoy a frosty sweet on a 96 degree F night. It's a communal way to keep chill and along the way  a chance to hear interesting back stories. Another way to keep neighbors , family  and friends cool is inviting them over for a no cook dinner. Introduce them to hummus, salad Nicoise or gazpacho. All three  dishes require no cooking , only mixing and blending. You could even have a minimal cooking meal such as pasta crudo which is a great way to use the veggies of the season.

Make your house and yard an oasis of cool. Invite friends , family and neighbors over to enjoy frosty treats and company. Us these hellish days for heavenly connections.

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