Thursday, July 4, 2019

A Happy And Diversified Fourth

Celebrate the Fourth and the diversity that is our country. Have a barbecue with German hamburgers hot dogs and cole slaw. Rinse it down with beer from Germany and Mexico. Or if you prefer fried chicken, whose recipe came with the enslaved from West Africa. Finish with ice cream that had its' origins in Italy and France. Or you could have French based marshmallows with Brazilian chocolate on good old American graham crackers which are taken from the English digestive biscuits. Snack on indigenous popcorn later on as you watch the fireworks.

Just remember that America isn't about one race, one religion and one nationality. All of us make up the melting  pot and mosaic that is this great country. Don't listen to the harmful otherwise.

Celebrate everyone and everything about them, especially their foods!!!

Happy 4th of. July to Americans around the globe!!!!!!


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