Monday, June 17, 2019

Summer Carry Alongs

One of the worst aspects of summer driving is the driving itself. There can be endless traffic jams, even on a weekend. It's sitting in a hot car, sometimes hungry, almost always thirsty. If that's the case then have some healthy snacks and drink on hand.

It's horrible when hunger pangs kick in on a drive to the shore or mountains. It's tempting to pull over into a Parkway or Turnpike rest stop as  we have here in New Jersey. There's a wide variety of fast foods - from Popeye's to Cinnabon to Starbuck's to choose from. Yet most of these quick bites are loaded with salt, fat and sugar. They're also not that filling. If you're still on the road in an hour's time, those hunger pangs will return and it's back to looking for a place to eat. Some of the Turnpike rest stops do offer a somewhat healthy choice in salads and wraps. Yet, there could be the risk of salmonella or just old ingredients that have seen better days. Depending on the length of' your trip, buy sandwiches from your local grocery or make your own. You know what's in them as well as customizing them to satisfy your family's tastes. Fill sandwich bags with salted grape tomatoes, cheese cubes and crackers,Pretzels never go amiss.You can buy a small box of  pretzel stick snack packs . These are light and low calorie and will hold you until your destination.

One of the absolute must haves during a summer ride is water.A  cold bottle of either spring or carbonated is necessary. It not only keeps you hydrated but alleviates any hunger. It also will not leave you with a dry throat like some colas will. It's easy to buy a twelve or twenty pack and cool three or four bottles at a time in the fridge.If just pure water won't do it, then consider buying flavored ones. Stop & Shop has an excellent array, ranging from lemon to watermelon. Perrier has something similar with peach and grapefruit flavors. These are a refreshing change. Another good bubbly water is Poland Spring that offer all sorts of fun fruit combos like blood orange hibiscus and pomegranate lemonade. To keep the water from heating up in a hot car., invest in an insulated travel cup. These can be bought anywhere, from your local grocery to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. If you still want a sweet cool drink, then think San Pellegrino. These are tart tasting but revitalizing sodas that go very well with sandwiches and even picnic foods like cold chicken and salad.

A summer ride should not be a torture trip. Stock up with healthy foods and drinks to make the drive more pleasant. There's no need for a rest stop then. Just keep driving on that open road.

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