Thursday, May 23, 2019

Spring Entertaining

Right now everyone is stocking up on dogs,burgers and buns. Home chefs are planning their sides - usually something with macaroni and mayo. Dessert will probably be watermelon slices, maybe Popsicles for the kids. Yet suppose- you could amp it up - turn the Memorial Day dinner into something a bit more sophisticated  - a bit more fun -and a bit unconventional. You can - and it's pretty easy to do.

Thessaly La Force, the editor for the Sunday Times T Magazine got to experience a Spring get together with Egyptian artist and chef, Laila Gohar. Chef Gohar is known for her outrageous art creations such as a thirteen foot long piece  mortadella hanging in Galleries Lafayette in Paris and a piece involving hanging large clusters of cherry tomatoes. Her entertaining style is a bit more laid back as she and her Spanish born husband celebrate the Egyptian holiday Sham el-Nassim which translates into "smelling the breeze' in Arabic. It goes back to the pharaohs when they welcomed in the Spring. Egyptians gather in outside places where they eat fermented fish, lettuce , beans and hard boiled eggs.This is usually celebrated the day after Coptic Easter (the same day as Greek and Russian orthodox Easter) however a Spring celebration can be held now. What I like about her entertaining style is that she juxtaposes a crusty boule next to almonds and olives. I would also have bowls of peppercino spiked olive oil too. There's nothing like a crusty slice dipped in a flavorful oil.

She serves braised rabbit and beans - the last is a new obsession of hers. The first may be too much for some - then rethink Cornish hens grilled crispy.  Chef Gohar is into beans right now  , using Rancho Gordo marcella bean which is similar to the creamy textured cannellini bean especially when it's soaked and then slowly cooked..You can go off menu by using chickpeas, which means there will be aquafaba for meringues - a dessert she loves. These don't have to be cooked. Add some chopped  parsley and sliced grape tomatoes or just serve the chickpeas in a flavored oil, maybe olive oil spiked with lemon juice. She recommends salad and seafood too. You can combine the two and have a chilled and grilled shrimp on a bed of Romaine lettuce. Put all food out as guests arrive. They can be served at room temperature. Doing this will free you up to greet guests and chat with them. As for dessert Chef Gohar likes "old lady" flavors like  meringue and marzipan. This is where the aquafaba comes in. Make meringues with it, whether vanilla, chocolate or coffee. I would serve them with cut , fresh fruit. It's a nice light end. What to drink the entire night long/ Champagne. It's a celebration so celebrate.

Go celebrate this Memorial Day weekend. Change up the barbecue menu with a more festive and fun menu. The guests will love it and you will too.

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