Monday, February 11, 2019

Snow Day Kitchen Projects

Most of the country is undergoing big snows right now. That means staying in for a day. It also means boredom setting in after the the third TV binge or game marathon.It's a good time to have a one day kitchen project. Whatever you choose will be productive and more satisfying than fighting over the remote.

A snow day is a good time to take stock of what's in your  pantry or fridge. You probably have stocked up on the basics - milk eggs, and bread. Yet what about the other stuff you bought and forgot about? Is there really a call for all those sardines? Or pickled onions. If they're way past their expiration date, then toss. If not  start looking for recipes featuring them. What about all that flour and sugar left over from  Christmas baking? They're still good with flour lasting ten months to a year and sugar lasting a year or more.  Consider it a sign to use both up for Valentine's Day cookies, cakes or cupcakes. Those cans of beans and veggies?If you have to make room then create a soup with them.They can also make good sides for the dinner in. Once the pantry is done it's time to root around the fridge and freezer.Get rid of the ice cream and popsicles from last summer. They should have been tossed  back in September anyway. As for the fridge. clean out those plastic canisters holding a mouthful of last week's mashed potatoes or spaghetti. Wash shelves too, They can get sticky or cruddy from food being spilled  and splattered from drippy  containers .

Another kitchen project is sorting through drawers and shelves, taking inventory of plates, cups and utensils. Plates and bowls do wear out. If you feel that your set has served its' purpose then, toss. You can even go the Marie Kondo route and thank them for their service. It'll be fun shopping for a new set whether in the store or online. The same idea goes for cups and glasses along with mugs. If there are chips or cracks then get rid of them. An uneven rim could lead to a cut lip Cracked glasses can be repurposed as containers for make up brushes and pencils. Tumblers can be relocated to the bathroom where they can serve as containers for smaller dental floss boxes and Q-Tips. A snowy day in also means time to sort through the cutlery. Check the handles of any and all silverware. If they're loose then consider a new set. Again Kohl's and Target are having great sales and sets have been greatly reduced in price.As for all those plastic knives and forks from takeout. You can reuse them for school and office lunches. Just remember that plastic can weaken over time and can break. Throw away any crack or broken ones.

A snowy day means a day in. Reorganize your kitchen , pantry and fridge.It's a nice way to pass time and in the end have the joy of a clean room.

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