Saturday, February 16, 2019

Simple Saturday Suppers

Saturday is usually the busiest day of the week. There's chores to do, food shopping and anything school related Who isn't tired after all that?Thne add in cooking a dinner? That just adds to the exhaustion. Don't despair. Just think simple.

It's tempting to get fast food or take out delivery when you're too tired to cook.Yet you'll wind up with a meal that's too greasy, salty and fatty. Order their version of healthy and it 'll be soggy lettuce with drippy sweet dressing and loaded with everything from bacon to cheese. Your best bet is buying easy to cook foods  and just making everything fresh. Anything egg based is a good choice. Eggs are simple, especially when creating an omelet. Add fresh spinach or sliced grape tomatoes along with bell pepper slices for a tasty and colorful dinner.Turn it into a sandwich by putting wedges on toasted whole wheat or \seven grain breads.Another idea is whipping up a hearty scramble. This is where you can really  get creative. Toss in some kale and Swiss chard along with the usual veggies. Spice it up with garlic , onion powder or even a few drops of hot sauce. Serve with toasted pita . Scoop up the scramble with wedges.If you love breakfast sandwiches, make those. There's no written rule that they're just for breakfast. Layer the egg with low calorie cheese , turkey bacon, and avocado slices.

Pizza is always an easy supper to make.All you need is all purpose flour  ( you can also use whole wheat or gluten free to customize it to your family's need). yeast, warm water and olive oil. For more flavor throw in a pinch of garlic powder and oregano. Sub in freshly sliced vine ripened  or Roma tomatoes for the usual jarred pizza sauce. As for toppings, go with the usual like pepperoni and mushrooms or something different like shredded chicken or juliennned ham slices. A novel idea is a white pizza. Top it with ricotta and mozzarella . A bechamel sauce can also be added. This is a mix of butter , flour and heavy cream, flavored with crushed garlic cloves. Prosciutto and arugula top it. Of course the simplest and most delicious dinner is a grilled piece of steak with a string bean or broccoli salad. Brush the steak with olive oil infused with rosemary and garlic. The salad can be made earlier and chilled in the fridge.If you're not into steak then try chicken.Add in a baked potato to make it more filling.

A Saturday supper doesn't have to be fast food. You can create an easy and simple meal . It's a nice way to end a busy day.

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