Friday, January 11, 2019

The FDA And The Shutdown

Everyone in this country is affected by this government shutdown.It's not just the workers and their families but  well -anyone who eats.The FDA , the Food and Drug Administration has been severely impacted by this ridiculous turn of events.

Roughly forty-one thousand FDA workers are at home, not receiving any pay. They and their jobs are vital to not only what we eat and drink but also what medications we take.This  program ,started by Teddy Roosevelt, due in part to Upton Sinclair"s The Jungle, the eye opening novel that damned the meat processing industry in early 1900's century Chicago.The 1906 Food and Drug Act and the 1906 Meat Inspection Act changed all that, enabling the American people to eat healthier and better.Today's FDA creates the guidelines food,drink and drug companies must follow in order for their products to be distributed along with protecting us from food born illnesses.They approve the medications we take along with pulling any questionable supplements off store shelves.They even make sure ads aren't tricking us.We rely on them not just with keeping our foods safe but also our cosmetics and soaps.

Now we're in dangerous territory. Our lives will be compromised as the shutdown continues.It is said that the FDA doesn't have enough money to begin with to get their jobs done properly. Still, they have made great strides in keeping us safe.Yet ,there will be  lapses, thanks to this shutdown.Many of our dollar stores import food and cosmetics from countries that don't have the strident rules and regulations we have.Lead based make up  along with foods with questionable ingredients will be on the shelves of many lower cost chains.The home front won't be monitored either.Selecting lettuce in the grocery store is going to be like walking through a minefield.Which one will give us food poisoning?Or salmonella? Will it be safe to buy chicken? Or beef? The FDA website recommends to be just as vigilant as ever.Continue washing meats and veg, along with cooking them at the appropriate temperatures and times.Luckily such high risk products as seafood, baby formula , and cheese will continue to be tested and inspected.

Hopefully the shutdown will end very soon.Our lives should not be put at risk because of one politician's tantrum.This needs to stop - NOW!

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