Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Shutdown Support

We are in the middle of a rare government shutdown. Thousands of families are affected, thanks to a president bent on getting his ways. We need to support all those workers  in whatever way possible.

There are many ways to help out. Making a casserole or large shepherd's pie  is always welcome. It'll not only feed the family but also provide leftovers. Another idea is hosting family dinners or inviting the kids over for a Taco Tuesday or Meat Loaf Monday .  For a really nice treat, take them out to their favorite  restaurant. Getting together, even with the kids , is a great way to temporarily forget what's going on.It'll save on food bills for the affected families.Many families may balk at the idea of charity however there are a couple of ways around this. One is telling them you'll save them a shopping trip and shop for them. Tell them that they can pay you later when the shutdown ends. You can also give them a belated holiday gift in the form of a gift certificate for their favorite supermarket. $100 dollars may not buy a lot these days but it's enough to get the basics, from fresh fruit and vegetables to toilet paper and paper towels.If the whole neighborhood or family chips in, there could be close to five hundred dollars of gift certificates. This could last a couple of weeks  if those affected are frugal.

This idea can also apply to smaller food purveyors and restaurants.Bakeries can definitely help out with whatever overage they have. There are so many loaves and rolls  that will be turned into breadcrumbs.Even offering a free cookie or cupcake helps and brings even just a glint of  happiness.Family owned restaurants can give certain percentages off on lunches and dinners. Diners can follow suit as well.Since some food pantries will also be affected , smaller shops can donate meats, fruits and vegetables.Mid size companies that produce pasta and ice cream could also donate along with any of the artisanal  food producers.As for food pantries, a very good portion are welcoming those hurt by the shutdown.There's no shame in accepting help .It will just be temporary and food pantries can provide the sustenance needed during these hard times.

We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with those affected by this shutdown.Unlike our government, we will be there for them.We will make sure they do not want.

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