Friday, December 7, 2018

The Gift Of Giving Back

Today s the 77th anniversary  of Pearl Harbor , a  time when people didn't weigh  the pluses and minuses of their actions. They just did, thinking of others before themselves. We have to do the same, feel the same way during this holiday season. Volunteer your culinary talents and time this winter.

One of the best ways to help is volunteering at your local homeless shelter or soup kitchen.For those without family,this is the best way to spend Christmas instead of at the movies or just home alone. Shelters and kitchens also throw small holiday parties and if they let you , bake something. Have the kids help. A fun sheet cake , plates of cookies and  trays of cupcakes help to make everyone's season brighter. It is also a good time for the kids to start on a lifetime of public service. They can also  make up stockings full of candy for kids there too. If they're older they can also assist, from serving food to washing up and drying.Another idea is organizing a holiday bake sale with the shelter or church . This is a chance for a kind of cookie swap where you can shine and bring your best recipes. A great idea that definitely gives back is having a group get together and bake a gingerbread village. Raffle it off with the proceeds going to the poor. Any one with a sweet tooth would love wining a munchable town.

The feeling can extend to neighbors and friends of friends.If you know they're alone for Christmas eve or Christmas day, then think nothing about inviting them. They'd appreciate a meal with family and lively discussions. Another idea is "adopting" a nursing home resident and baking him or her cookies or even creating a fruit basket tailored to their dietary needs. If you have more time them think about contributing to the nursing home holiday party.The families would greatly appreciate it and it would be like bringing a little bit of home back to them,Military families also need a bit of cheer . If there are any on your block, then invite them in for a cup of cheer and some holiday savories and sweets. For any  service person coming home surprise them and their spouse with a gift certificate to  fancy restaurant for  one of their favorite restaurants. It's a small  way of saying thank you. Another way is throwing  a holiday welcome home party where everyone in the neighborhood or family can contribute a sweet or savory  dish.

This holiday season - give  back. It's a way of spreading good will and good cheer. That's the best present of all.

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