Friday, August 31, 2018

Summer's Bounty Still Going Strong

Even though everyone is talking about fall,getting ready for school and Halloween (!) it is still summer.  There  is still time to cook outside and enjoy what's left of the warm weather bounty.Put away anything fallish  - at least for a few weeks.

Tomatoes are the most popular foods of the summer.. With the way our weather is nowadays, the red gems will be growing until October.Take advantage of them in any cooking method possible.One of the easiest and most delicious is pasta crudo. This is simply cut  fresh tomatoes mixed with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil. It's a raw sauce that's "cooked'  when added to hot pasta.Another summer dish that's perfect for this transition period is ratatouille. This Provencale treat is making good use of tomatoes as well as any bumper crop zucchini and onions. Melissa Clark has elevated this recipe to resemble a prettily colored pie in her column A Good Appetite In Wednesday's New York Times' Food section.. Her take was a Southern tomato pie but amped up with caramelized onions and sliced eggplants. It's more of  rich quiche thanks to the egg and Gruyere cheese added.If you just like tomatoes, then make them Provencale . This is a skillet full of sliced tomatoes  sauteed in garlic and olive oil. The tomatoes have generous mounds of spiced breadcrumbs on them.There is also tomato jam for those who want a spicy condiment to their meats and veggies. It's an easy cook, with boiling and simmering Roma tomatoes with such spices as cumin, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves.

Many home gardeners are also reaping those ripe squashes and zucchini right now too. One of the easiest recipe is sauteed squash coins that make a great side to grilled chicken and fish.It's just simply slicing the gourds into half inch thick rounds and sauteing them in a mix of olive oil,butter and minced garlic. Kids will love zucchini boats, the perfect meal after an exhausting first day of school. Make them really fun by adding a lasagna filling with a ready made tomato sauce.It's just scooping out the squash's middle after they've been cut in half, leaving a quarter of an inch of flesh on all sides. After brushing the boats with olive oil. it;'s just layering on the cheese,store bought sauce and ground beef or tofu. The boats can also have a Mexican twist by subbing in the sauce with such spices as chili powder, cilantro and cumin. There may be some peppers growing yet in your garden. These make great snacks, when they're sliced and  deseeded however they're great stuffed with rice and ground beef.Hollow them out , and also add tomato sauce along with Worcester sauce.Garlic and onion powder are added to give it zing.

Don't follow the rest of the crowd.It's still summer. There's still time to enjoy the bounty of this glorious season.

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