Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Pan Con Tomato My Way

One of the best combos of the summer season is tomatoes with bread,especially with French or Italian. It is the perfect marriage. ,enhanced with olive oil and garlic.One version of this is pan con to mate from the Catalina area of Spain.

It was the subject of David Tanis' City Kitchen in today's New York Times Food section.Mr.Tanis had me at bread and tomatoes.As soon as I saw the pictures tomatoes on toasted slices I was hooked.
The original recipe was to use up stale bread hence the crunch.Mr.Tanis recommend huge slices of toasted sourdough bread.I used toasted Italian bread ,first rubbed with garlic.
A second batch really browned I cell and got crispy and crunchy.
Then it was taking a grater (I used my Mom's old Chef's Club from Macy  

It's then slicing vine ripes(mine came from Stop &Shop, but feel free to use the first harvest of the summer)
I  also added a glue of olive oil and the garlic that was rubbed on the bread.The last didn't work out so well.Next time I'll try a sprinkle of garlic powder.

It,s then just spooned on the toasted bread 
Pan con tomato was delicious.I sprinkled a pinch of sea salt on it and gobbled it down.This is something I will make again. I might add tuna in olive oil or better yet anchovies! It is a perfect summery dinner  light enough for a hot night but sustaining  enough.
David Tanis, thanks for this new favorite.I will be making this tasty dish a lot  - as long as there are fresh tomatoes.

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