Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Niche or National

What's the better choice for food shopping? The smaller niche shops that have either gourmet or fresher products or the national chains where you can pick up anything and everything?Or is it a combination of both?

Niche markets can be expensive. Ones such as Whole Foods (or Whole Paycheck as some consumers call it) which always touted organic food is over priced . Their wild sockeye smoked salmon is a whopping seventeen dollars, even too pricey to be considered for an occasional treat. A can of their organic beans is three bucks, You could buy three cans of those at Stop and Shop or eve four cans for that cost at Acme.,Granted some of their fresh baked cakes and cookies are worth the price - although ten dollars is a bit steep for apple pie.Another smaller yet just as popular grocery store is Trader Joe's. Their food tends to me more gourmet than Whole Foods and surprisingly better priced too. I went there recently and was awed by what ten dollars can buy. A home chef can shop frugally there and wind up with some tasty bargains. Their Italian  breadsticks or grissini  cost just as much as Stella Doro's and have a better flavor. They're more artesanal thanks to the addition of olive oil. The pancake mix is a bit more labor intensive to work with than Bisquick but the end result was delicious,You get a lot for the price which was around three dollars

As fun as these stores are to occasionally visit, I find them lacking  in many products. Trader Joe's does not have a big paper product section or soaps. A shopper would still have to go to Acme or Stop & Shop for more choices. Bigger supermarkets such as these have huge options for everything and there's more to choose from. One of the best aspects of Stop & Shop is that it caters to home bakers. You can find everything from rice flour to sanding sugar , and everything in between in their baking aisle. I love their herbs and spices section because there's so many different kinds. Another plus for it and Acme is that they have excellent deli counters.Again there's this vast array of meats and cheeses. that are perfect for a quick dinner or a picnic.Their cooked offerings are the same too, with main and side courses ranging from pot  roast and mashed potatoes to roast chicken and cooked Brussels sprout salad. One reason to absolutely love supermarkets is that they buy from local farms within the state. You can get just picked corn and tomatoes without the two hour long haul south .

So which is the better choice. Foodies will tell you the niche supermarkets. Those shopping for families and on a budget will swear by the larger chains. My advice is stick with works best for you.

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