Monday, July 23, 2018

Helping Food

Even though it's midsummer, you can still have bake sales and dinners to raise money. There are so many causes that need our financial backing and one of the best ways has to involve our culinary and baking skills.Even grilling expertise can come in handy aiding a cause that's dear to our hearts.

Homemade cookies and pies are still wanted during these steamy days. A great way of supporting any organization is homemade treats - but keep the recipes no fuss.There are several recipes for no bake cookies. Try the classic mix of quick cooked oats , cocoa and peanut butter. It's just boiling them along with milk, margarine , white sugar and vanilla for a few minutes,then dropping teaspoons full of the mix onto waxed paper. Sprinkles or chopped peanuts can be added for a more decorative look. Change up the peanut butter for coconut for a variation with a Mounds bar flavor. Slice and bake cookies are still cookies baked at home and again they can be the star of any summer sale. The same go for brownies too.A bigger seller with these is iced coffee, always needed on a hot, humid day.If a bake sale is too labor intensive then think about having an ice cream social. This can raise money for a cause or even a political candidate .It's not only a great way to raise money but also get to know who's running for local office or new neighbors.Set up a sundae bar with six or seven flavors of ice cream,along with a whole slew of toppings gs from fresh fruit to caramel and hot fudge.

Another idea is having a beefsteak. This is a fundraiser where nothing but beef tenderloin is served. It has changed over the years.It used to be men only with only one cut of beef served.Now women and kids can join in to enjoy a variety of filets and steaks..Beefsteak are usually held in church basements or halls however you could hold one in your church parking lot or park. Switch it up a bit by also serving hot dogs, hamburgers, and ribs. Add some home made potato salad or baked potatoes.Vegetarians can have their version or a tofu fest where veggie "meats" are served.This would be the perfect venue for animal rights groups and shelters. Throwing a beefsteak for veterans and their families is another great idea and welcoming them back into the fold.

Food can aid in fund raising and help in assisting our vets and shelters.It may be summer but you can have a fun bake sale , picnic or ice cream social. The weather doesn't matter.Good deeds are all year round.

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