Saturday, June 30, 2018

Pasta Crudo For A Hot Day

It's a heat wave here in New Jersey and that means one thing : spaghetti con salsa crudo. This is an easy  and delicious pasta dish that takes advantage of a summer harvest. It's a raw tomato sauce  cooked when it's mixed with hot pasta.

First , get four tomatoes
Cut into quarters

Then mince into smaller pieces. The recipe I followed on line calls for a small red onion. I used half of a yellow one I had in the fridge.

Again it was minced into fine pieces.
Add a quarter cup of good olive oil
Many salsa crudo recipes don't call for garlic but I like it, especially in any tomato sauce. I tossed in two minced cloves.
Basil usually is added but I didn;t have any so I subbed in a good sprinkling of oregano.
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper were liberally sprinkled in too.
As for the pasta, Barella's thick spaghetti is perfect for it.
This was the hardest and hottest step, waiting for the water to boil and then for the pasta to cook.

When the pasta is done, place in a bowl and ladle the salsa crudo over it.
It was delicious,along with being the easiest to make during this blasted heat wave.
Store the pasta and salsa crudo separately. You can use the  leftover sauce for bruschetta the next day.(which is my plan)

This is heat wave cooking. Simple, Easy, Delicious. Best of all it's a no sweat recipe.

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