Saturday, June 2, 2018

Good Foods, Good Teeth

Our teeth usually are the last body part we think of when we eat. Yet they, like our bones, need  healthy foods to thrive . A bad diet can lead to  bad dental problems which could lead to bad heart problems. The best way to avoid these is to give your choppers a diet rich in nutrients . The reward? A bright white smile!

There are reasons why parents freak out over their kids eating too much candy or soda.  These are loaded in sugar which mixes with bacteria. This then turns into an acid which breaks down tooth enamel. Also , a passion for sweets lasts well into adulthood and it;s hard to get out  the habit of wanting them. Start the little ones early with healthier treats such as apple or  pear slices.  Surprisingly bananas and raisins are high in sugar and not good for developing teeth. Kids love colas and other fizzy sweet drinks.Even juices are suspect, Let them drink milk or chilled water. What about flavored seltzer? There' no sugar in it, true, but the carbonation resulting from a hit of carbon dioxide can cause acids to form in the mouth. Even if you make it at home using a SodaStream, there;s a huge risk of cavities forming. A better bet is a chilled decaf herbal tea however make sure it's distilled. It can create problems in children so you may want to stick with fruit infused waters. These are easy to make,It's just taking any kind of fruit like pineapples or berries and infusing them in chilled water for four hours.

It's not too late for any adult to adopt a tooth healthy diet. Unfortunately our sugar habits are very much ingrained in us. One of our worst habits is imbibing too much coffee. Thanks to all these coffee shops, we're a country hooked on it. Caffeine does cause problems as well as creating halitosis or bad breath . It reacts with the mouth's bacteria which forms the corrosive acid that destroys enamel. You can have  your java fix but drink it quickly. Don't spend the day sipping it. That can lead to more harm. Also brush your teeth or at least rinse them after your daily cup. The same advice applies to tea too. Avoid the sugary extras like those chocolate and caramel drizzles or that pound of sugar you put into  your cappuccino. We have a tendency to snack  and unfortunately on the wrong kinds of food. Nix the afternoon Skittles and Oreos. As with kids, apples and pears are the best for your teeth. The fruit's rough flesh scrape the teeth much like a toothbrush. They also stimulate the mouth to produce more saliva which washes away the bacteria.  Raw carrots and celery  are also good for the teeth and also scrape away bacteria. If you do seriously crave sweets then go for dark chocolate. It's rich in flavanoids which help in oral health.

A healthy diet means healthy teeth. Eat right and you can have that bright white smile. It's not good genes that produce good bicuspids and canines. It good food.

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