Friday, May 25, 2018

A Diet Updated

Can we change the way we eat with relaxation and meditation? Is it possible to make for compulsive eaters to overcome binging? A diet book claims it can. Yet can it?

That's the premise of  Dr. Nancy L. Bryan's newest book, an updated version of  Thin Is A State Of Mind:The No Stress Weight Loss Guide (CompCare Publishers 1980). The book was first published in the beginning of the 1980's so some of the phrases and ideology are dated. To be honest the first twelve chapters were like gobbleydegook . The only chapter that actually made sense started very late in the book, at Chapter 13.The author goes on about biofeedback and cybernetics which for some over eaters does make sense. She uses a lot of her own experiences along with her own behavioral modification  to transform from fat to thin. The problem is that each person is unique - what may work for one dieter may not work for another.  Then what? The book also has some antiquated ideas about loving and hating oneself which, again to be honest, would not really fit a millennial's self view. Dr. Bryan writes a lot about hating oneself  - about hating the clothes fat people would wear and how that affects an over eater's personality . However , thanks to more acceptance , especially in modelling and magazines, plus sized women are embraced.  The only bonus in the first twelve chapters is that she does recommend that dieters treat themselves to other indulgences such as manicures or clothe shopping - anything that give the spirit a boost.

As I've written earlier, the real crux of the book starts at Chapter 13. Here, Dr. Bryan  explains about  abnormal metabolisms along with ergotropic and trophotopic metabolic pathways. There is also mention of cell nourishment which is crucial to losing weight. She explains the Pritikin and Atkins diet and a hybrid of the two. The South Beach Diet. It was created by cardiologist Dr.Agatston in 2003 and it focuses upon regulating metabolism. What would be better for readers, however, is a complete list of foods they can eat as well as including some recipes. If anything , readers will either sign up at the South Beach Diet website or buy the cookbook. Nutritional guide charts  should have been included as well. Dieters want to know what foods to eat right off the bat . Also how to they curb cravings?That should have been expressed in more detail as well along with how to switch bad for you foods with better choices. It's one thing for a dieter picking up this book and  reading how to deal with eating, it's more important that they have some kind of template to plan their meals and snacks.

Thin Is A State Of Mind The No Stress Weight Loss Guide may be right for some compulsive eaters.A better suggestion would be reading the book and also reading any book connected to The South beach Diet. Together they may prove to be the solution to losing weight and eating healthy.

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