Monday, March 19, 2018

Know Your Tofu

To any non vegan tofu is tofu. It's that icly soy stuff that serves as a stand in to real meat and dairy. Yet , there are several different and delicious kinds that can turn a limited meatless diet into an unlimited buffet.  It's amazing what it can do  - and mimic.

First of all what is tofu? The most basic description is that it's a curd made from soy.Many have been introduced to it years ago under the unappetizing name of bean curd . It has been around for two thousand years, first being made during the Han Dynasty in China. The name tofu means fermented  or bean. It's made from coagulating soy milk with magnesium chloride and pressing out the curds.The amount of time in pressing determines what kind of curd it is.The process can be over in about fifteen to twenty minutes. Just remember that the longer it's pressed the firmer it will be. There are various types.Block tofu is what's found at grocery stores. This is also called "cotton tofu" due to the fluffiness of the curds. Soft tofu is the kind that's pressed in the least amount of time. It's primarily used for desserts.It's not recommended for frying because it could break apart and splutter out of the pan.Medium firm tofu is the best for braising and boiling.  Don't stir fry or pan fry it. It will break apart in creamy little pieces. The most versatile is the firm block kind. It can be battered, boiled , baked, pan fried, stir fried and deep fried.If you want a crusty , crispy kind, then go for the extra firm. These can be turned in kabobs or General's Tso's tofu.

Tofu can also have a soft and silky mouth feel. This is silken tofu and it, too, is a popular, kind, often found at many supermarkets.It's made in a similar process to block tofu except that the soy milk is coagulated without curdling the milk. It's also left unpressed so every cake retains its' moisture while cooling. Because curds never form, any kind from  soft , to extra firm has a smooth and silky appearance  If you want to make sauces and dressings, then try soft silken.It has the consistency of a poached egg.It can even be used as an egg substitute. There is firm silken tofu which cannot be confused with the  firm or silken kinds. Firm silken is made from a thicker form of soy milk. One of the most delicate kinds is fresh silken or custard tofu.It can turn pretty quickly so try getting it fresh from the manufacturer. Don/'t buy the mass produced ones. The flavor can be flat and bitter. It can't be cooked but it can be served with miso and scallions for a savory treat or mixed with agave syrup for a sweet snack. for those who love spicy , there is the Chinese Five Spice tofu which is a  dark purple in color. Smoked tofu is another tasty dish. It's smoked first in tea leaves giving it a light hue and smoky flavor. There is also deep fried tofu called aburaage  that's puffy and sugary.Tofu can be sold in pockets  or inarizushi. Both can be used for snacking while the last is good in salads.

Don't be put off by this versatile soy product. Tofu can be made into everything, from dinner to dessert. start cooking with  this versatile ingredient now.

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