Monday, February 5, 2018

The Three Fruit Rule

Is there such a thing as having too little or to much fruit?We need it year round however buy too much and it's forgotten, left to spoil in the fridge. What's the best bet? Three fruits in the house, no matter if it's summer or winter, spring or fall.

It's easier to garner fruit in the warmer months. There's so much to choose from and there's the added bonus of picking them fresh. Still having too many can  clutter up the  fridge or  kitchen table. Try to buy fruits that you know will be eaten almost right away. Strawberries and blueberries are good summer fruits. They can be cut up in salads, along with being pureed into a salad dressing. They're also good mixed together with sliced bananas in a breakfast or brunch fruit salad.Summer fruits go well with summer cakes.Always have berries on the ready for angel food cakes and trifles.If you want to vary your intake, think melons. They're always refreshing, and can be used in a variety of different drinks such as agua fresca to chilled chunks after a barbecue. Since this is the time for other melons to be sold, vary choices from week to week.The family may not appreciate your melon kick. Think about buying cantaloupes one week, and casabas the next. Since August is peach season, have a few on the table.They'll be a nice change up from the berries and also can be used in a variety of dishes too.

The fall is also a good time for varying fruit in your diet. Many people are in awe of the different  types of apples offered and want to try every one. Again the family could get sick of eating them all the time, even though they're candied on a stick  or turned into tarts. It's also pear season and they're a refreshing switch from those Fujis and Winesaps. Pears  such  as the Asian and Bosc are perfect for dipping into caramel. and excellent for poaching. Grapes are harvested at this time too. Nothing beats them  as a snack , especially when hiking on a balmy September or October day, Winter and early Spring is citrus season and this is when everyone goes nut for those extra doses of Vitamin. C. The problem with eating too much of them can cause hives. Have oranges and tangerines around but also think of pineapple too. Pommelos, those bowling ball sized grapefruit, are great because they are the highest in Vitamin C and can feed an entire family. The dilemma is they may be too much. Vary them with he new fruit cups from Dole.These are mixed  combos, such as peach and mango in slightly sweetened coconut water. They make a great dessert or even breakfast when mixed with cottage cheese or Greek yogurt.

Three is your magic number when having fruit in the house. Any three types will do the trick, in providing nutrition and flavor. It's the perfect amount for any kitchen.

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