Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Raw Water Movement

There's a new trend that's dripping into the New Year  - raw water. It's actually not really new. Unprocessed water is what the world drank before the government took it over and loaded it with chemicals. Now many are embracing this most ancient of refreshments.

Nellie Bowles, who usually reports on the doings of Silicon Valley for The Times contributed this piece. It's an interesting one that raises a lot of questions about what comes out of our faucets and what we buy by the bottle. Since the Fifties our water has been saturated with fluoride to strengthen our teeth and reduce cavities. Many, including the owner of a raw or unprocessed water company, Live Water, Mukhande Singh believes that our water has been poisoned with these essential minerals. He believes it is a mind control drug used to create a more docile America. Surprisingly, the alt-Right agrees with him too, Alex Jones, the bombastic conspiracy theorist and founder of the right wing website, Infowars also believes such. People are starting to believe it too., with many buying unprocessed water and foregoing even bottled spring water. Again, according to Mr. Singh, waters like Evian and Fiji are what's considered dead water. There is no live probiotics in it which help with gut health and keep the body regular. Another minus for bottled water is that it is treated with ultraviolet light and ozone gas to remove "helpful " algae.

Unprocessed water  - calling it raw brings up a negative image of raw sewage - has health professionals worried. Like unpasteurized milk, it comes with a few risks, Dr. Donald Hensrud, director  of  the famed Mayo Clinic's Healthy Living Program has qualms about this new movement. His fears are real.Without any treatment, water has deadly and chronic risks. It is a breeding ground for Ecoli,  bacteria, viruses , parasites and even carcinogenic compounds. He points to underdeveloped countries where there is sad evidence of this.Again, as with unpasteurized milk, the very young and old are the most susceptible to the dangers Unpiocsesed water sellers do not comply with the various state  and FDA laws regarding water processing. These safety regulations allow water in bottling plants to be randomly tested to make sure that are no harmful contamenments going out to the general public. Still people are willing to take risks, Unprocessed water has a sweet taste - Those who grew up on well water will know this taste well It is also reportedly more refreshing and thirst quenching than any glass of tap or bottled H20.

UNprocessed water may be the drink of 2018. As with raw food and unpasteurized milk, it is a return to a purer source of nutrition. If it was good for our ancestors, it may be good for us too,

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