Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pomelos - The Best Citrus Fruit Ever

January is the time for citrus. Grapefruits, tangerines,clementines and oranges reign supreme  in the produce section yet there a new royal on the scene - the pomelo or the Chinese grapefruit.This beauty is not only super healthy but super tasty. It's the perfect sunny snack on a cold winter's day.

The pomelo resembles a grapefruit on steroids.Imagine if a bowling ball and a grapefruit had a child together.It would be this.:
Its" Latin name is citrus maxima or citrus grandis It goes by a variety of different names such as pamplemousse , pummelo or  pommelo. The Hawaiians call it the jabong while the British call it shaddock as they have for the last three centuries. It was named for a Captain Shaddock who introduced it to Barbados and Jamaica.. One theory about  pomelo's comes from Tamil, a dialect found on the Indian subcontinent, another is that it is a combination of pome - apple and melon. It is one of the original four citrus fruits that others derive from.It is a native of South Asia where it is eaten with salt.It's also sliced and put into salads whille its' juice is used in drinks. There is a warning however. Pomelos are famously known to lower blood pressure. Check with your doctor first if you can eat it if you're taking any blood pressure medications.It is good in cold weather because it has a larger dose of vitamin C than the other citrus fruits

I love this fruit. It's got a mild orange like flavor and it's far from being sour.  The only problem is peeling it. I was surprised to learn that the peel can be candied or dipped in chocolate. The rind is similar to an orange's, only a tad thinner.The correct way to peel it is making four to five slits in the skin  and start peeling. I usually just make one long slit and work at getting the skin off.  The problem with the pomelo is that it has a thick pink underlayer that kind of resembles compressed cotton candy or asbestos. This too has to be peeled away.in order to get the pulp.The slices are large. One person can't eat an entire one at once. Split it and put it in the fridge for the next day It can be juiced for a refreshingly light citrus drink. It can also be turned into a granita or Slushie too. Pomelo pulp can be used in salads too, giving an orange-y sweetness to a spinach or field green ones.The juice can be used in shrimp and scallop dishes as well.

The pomelo is a huge drop of sunshine on a cold January day. Buy one and enjoy it's light and refreshing  taste. It's the perfect antidote for all this snow and ice.

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