Saturday, January 6, 2018

Cabin Fever Recipes

January is the month to stay indoors. Between monster snow storms and negative temps, it doesn't pay to go outside - which means time indoors. Instead of bingeing on TV or playing games, think kitchen. There's a lot of fun foods to cook and bake.

A snow day in can bring forth the urge to bake. Have plenty  of flour and sugar.available as well as baking staples such as eggs,milk, and sugar. Kids love cutting out and decorating cookies. Sugar and butter cookies are easy to make and cut out. They can have fun creating edible snowflakes or snowmen.If you did this for the holidays just past, then think about sandwich cookies. Vanilla cookies can have a dark fudge buttercream filling or vice versa. You could also make Lindser tortes if you have any raspberry jam.Brownies are another cold weather fave. Always have one or two boxes of mix around . They're wonderful with hot tea or coffee after a morning of shoveling snow. A day in can also mean honing your decorating skills.Spend time either on a cake or cupcakes, creating leaves and rosettes or trying new techniques such as striping or creating frosting ribbons. If you want something a tad healthier, think galettes. These are free form pies  usually filled with apples. You can also sub in pears too along with changing the crust to chocolate. They can even be miniaturized for a fun dessert.Kids can also make candy during these frosty days too. Homemade fudge is always welcome as are homemade sea salt caramels and chocolate covered pretzels.

Savory foods can also be cooked up when it's better to stay indoors. Most home chefs usually make pizza when everybody is indoors. It's what everyone loves and it can be customized with pepperoni slices or olives. Try calzones for a different spin. Their name means big sock in Italian and that's what they kind of are They are little sacks of pizza dough filled with creamy ricotta and's baked like a pizza until the dough is crispy and puffy  and then served with marinara sauce. A Mexican lunch or dinner is always welcomed, Stock up on taco kits . These are fun for kids and they can easily assemble a taco dinner. Another fun snack is guacamole . This is a great treat when watching TV or playing games.For a more sophisticated turn try mole. You can use the cocoa powder that went into holiday baking for this.It's combined with tomato sauce, cumin,  garlic and chilis. for a creamy, mouth watering sauce.It's best over chicken but can also be used to jazz up leftover pork or roast beef. Days indoors also are great to make grilled cheese. Jazz it up with tomato slices and bacon. Give it a French flair with frying up  Croque Monsiuers, This is Gruyere cheese and sliced ham on white bread and fried in butter. Give it ore of a Gallic boost with  homemade pomme frites. It's even better if you have it with  French cider or Stella Artois.

The cold weather means staying indoors. Don't get cabin fever. Bake - or cook something interesting t get rid of the doldrums. You'll be glad you did.

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