Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Eating Clean

The holidays mean rich and fatty foods. There will be more drinking and feasting of fat laden snacks and sugary treats. It can do a number on the stomach - not to mention the liver and pancreas. The best way to combat this is clean eating. Think simple and nutritious as opposed to decadent and opulent.

Breakfast is a good meal to start clean eating. A simple bowl of oatmeal is always filling and welcome on a hot morning. The same goes for farina. Save the fancy Eggs Benedict or cream cheese stuffed French toast for Christmas or New Year's Day mornings. Citrus is in season too, Think about starting the day with a juicy orange , grapefruit or pomelo. This last is a Chinese grapefruit about the size of a small bowling ball and it is chock full of Vitamin C. It also makes a good snack during the day and can be used even in salads and dressings. A refreshing winter breakfast is a fruit salad, made with apples, pears and any of the citrus fruits out now. Serve it with a soothing, detoxing tea such as chamomile or peppermint. If you can, try to avoid anything  that's loaded with caffeine. It will just dry you out, leaving you thirsty all day.Another good breakfast drink is fresh juice.Use your juicer to create tasty apple and orange juices. More refreshing and more natural than the store bought kinds.If you have to buy juice, go with the Simply Orange and Simply Apple. Theirs is the most purest.

Lunch and dinner should be just as simple and clean. One of the best lunches or dinners is the Mann's Nourish Bowl. Think a hot salad, chock full of tasty veggies, risotto, or cheese topped with  sauce. I love these, They are delicious, filling, and only three hundred calories at the most.Their Montery Risotto bowl is a flavorful and satisfying blend of kale, kohlrabi and butternut squash married to risotto, topped with a creamy roasted garlic sauce. Any of these can be served with a simple steak, chicken breast or fish filet. Another idea is a simple vegan meal of beans for protein and one or two greens such as kale or spinach. Salads are a great way of eating healthy. Keep away from the creamy dressings and extras such as bacon bits and sugared nuts. Have a simple one with a plain vinaigrette full of spinach and tomatoes . For color add cauliflower, carrots and red, green and yellow bell peppe strips. If you want texture and crunch, go for a bowl of  plain almonds. They're high in zinc and potassium along with Vitamin E.  Snacks and holiday cookies are also drenched in fat and calories. Same thing with those potato chips and dip. Go with Melba toast along with almonds. Both satisfy that need to crunch. Have a plate of  fruit, especially tangerines, for those sweet cravings

Eating clean will help get rid of that holiday bloat. Stick to nutritious vegetables and fruits along with lean meats They make for a healthy diet that will definitely get you through the lush season of eating and drinking.

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